Proprietor and land | Valuation |
Strabrocke Paroche | |
1] Gavin hamiltoun portioner of strabrock for himself & Remanent heretors fewars lyfrentars & uthirs Within the sd [said] paroche of Stabrok Ther money Rent doeth Extend to ane Thowsand thrie hundreth thriescoir fyfteine pund eighteine schillings four pennies | £1375.18.4 |
II] peyit of Bear in the said paroche threttie ane chalders fyve bolls thrie firlotas according to the said measur Whiche being converted into moy [money] at the fornat [fornamit] pryce extends to tua Thowsand Sex hundreth thriescoir Sexteine punds |
£2676.0.0 |
Peyit of meall in the said paroche Thrette ane chalders fyve bolls Thrie frlotes [firlots] according to the measr [meaure] & pryce ford [foresaid] Which being Converted into moy [money] extends to tua Thowsand Thrie hundrethe fourtie ane pund Ten shillinges | £2341.0.0 |
Suma [Summa] of the moy [money] rent & of the pryce of the fornamit victuall being frie rent In the sd [said] paroche (by & attor [attour] the underwrettin deductiones) is Sex Thowsand Thrie hundret fourscoir tuelff punds eightin Schilling four pennies | £6392.18.4 |
Peyit of mortified Rent to the minist [minister] And Schoolemr [schoolmaster] of the said paroche In money Thrie hundreth & Thriescoir pundis | £360.0.0 |
Peyit lykwys to the sd [said] minst [minister] of Beir tuentie ane bolls ane firlot ane peck ane Lipie and thrie pairt Lipie Wch [Which] being converted into moy [money] Extends to ane hundreth thretteine punds fyfteine Schillings Sevin pennies |
£113.15.7 |
Peyit to him of meall Tua chalders ten bolls Tua firlotes Tua pecks tua lipies Tua thrie ptis [two third parts] Lipie being convertit into moy [money] at the ford [foresaid] pryce and hundreth four scoir nyntie punds 2 schillinges eight pennies | £199.2.0 |
Suma [Summa] of the mortified rent is Sex hundrethe 72.17.7 Schillings thrie pennies | £672.17.7 |
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