Proprietor and land | Valuation |
The totall of the formar valowaun [valowatioun] of this shre [shire] in anno 1693 extends to ane hunderithe fyftie thowsand aucht hunderithe and tua pund ane shilling nyne penneis | £150802.1.9 |
The Revalowaun [Revalowatioun] in anno 1697 was ane hunderithe fourtene thowsand sex hunderithe thriescoir fyftene pund tua shilling aucht penneis | £114675.2.8 |
The pnt [present] valowaun [valowatioun] extends the revalowaun [revalowatioun] fyftene thowsand fyve hunderithe fyftie nyne pund tuelf shilling aucht penneis | £15559.12.8 |
The pnt [present] valowaun [valowatioun] is schort of the first valowaun [valowatioun] the sowme of tuentie thowsand fyve hunderithe thriescoir seavin pund sex shilling fyve penneis | £20567.6.5 |
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[Page] 173[Signed]
N Bruce
Jhone Edmonstoune
P Napier of Culcheuch
John Rollok
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Caroline Macafee, Dauvit- Moderator
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