Proprietor and land | Valuation |
the pryce of foure pund 16ss 8ds [£4.16.8] the boll extends to | £256.3.4 |
Payed of meale in the said parochine fyftie thrie chalder thrie bollis sex pecks according to the foirsaid meassr [meassure] wch [which] being converted in money at 4lb 5ss [£4.5.0] the boll extendis to | £3618.7.0 |
Payed in casualities or customes wtin [within] the sd [said] parochine fourtie steanes of cheis at 30ss [£1.10.0] the steane | £60.0.0 |
Suma [Summa] of the pryce of the whole victuall & money in this parochine is seavine thowsand tua hunderethe fourscoir tuelf pund | £7292.0.0 |
Payed in mortefied rent to the minister Seavine chalder of meale according to the foirsd [foirsaid] meassr [meassure] & pryce wch [which] being converted as said is extends to | £476.0.0 |
Payed to his maties [majesties] excheqr [exchequer] in money | £85.6.8 |
Payed to the towne of glasgow of teind ten chalders of meale qlk [quhilk] being converted as ford [forsaid] extendis to | £680.0.0 |
Mair to tham of money | £26.13.4 |
Suma [Summa] of the frie rent of this parochine extendis to Sex thowsand tuentie foure pund | £6024.0.0 |
Walter Graha [Graham] of glennie for his Landis of mundowie & overglennie Lyand wtin [within] the paroche of port & shrefdome [shirefdome] of sterling his rent is in money wiout [without] deductionis ane hunderethe & fourtie pund | £140.0.0 |
Johne campbell his landis of [knokgull] lyand wtin [within] the shrefdome [shirefdome] of sterling his rent throf [therof] is Tua hunderethe thriescoir sex pund threttene shilling foure pennies | £266.13.4 |
The totall of the pnt [present] valowaune [valowatioune] of this shre [shire] besyde the mortified rent & qt [quhat] is payed to the excheqr [exchequer] Extendis to Ane hunderithe threttie thowsand tua hunderithe threttie foure pund fyftene shilling foure penneis | £130,234.15.4 |
THe mortefeid rent & what is payet to the excheqr [exchequer] extendis to Fyftene thowsand foure hunderithe thriescoir fourtene lb [pund] 16ss [shillings] 1d [penny] | £15474.16.1 |
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Port = ? Port of MenteithTranscribers who have contributed to this page.
Caroline Macafee, Dauvit- Moderator
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