Proprietor and land | Valuation |
Ancrivm paroch | |
Sir John Scot of Ancrum | £2400.0.0 |
The Earle of Lothian | £288.15.0 |
Cockpen for the Kirklands | £200.0.0 |
The Earle of Roxbrugh | £1970.0.0 |
Robert Bennit of chesters | £1460.13.4 |
Sir William Bennit | £800.0.0 |
Sir Thomas Ker of Cavers | £1143.18.0 |
Mr. John greive for pendicle | £500.0.0 |
The Feuars of neither ancrum | £944.0.0 |
William Elliot of grange | £346.13.4 |
Thomas Turnbull of standhill | £120.0.0 |
Suma [Summa] of the rent of the paroche of ancrum extends to | £10174.0.0 |
Minto parache | |
The laird of minto | £2108.13.4 |
Mr. Gibbert Elliot of craignend | £660.0.0 |
Suma [Summa] is | £2768.13.4 |
Boddaroull paroche | |
Sir thomas Ker of Cavers | £2027.0.0 |
The laird of Nentoun | £853.0.0 |
Thomas Rutherfurd of Nousouth | £484.0.0 |
David storie | £18.0.0 |
Andrew Ker of walls | £66.13.4 |
William Miller | £27.0.0 |
Suma [Summa] of the rent of Boddaroull paroch is | £3475.13.4 |
Hopkirk paroche | |
Sir William Elliot of stobs & his brother Gilbert | £4642.0.0 |
My lord Cranstoun | £1666.13.4 |
Henrie Elliot of Harwood | £633.6.8 |
Andrew Ker of walls | £409.0.0 |
Mr. Charles Ker | £300.0.0 |
Langran Trimble | £104.0.0 |
George short there | £52.0.0 |
Thomas Boustoun for kirknow | £78.0.0 |
John Scot of weimes | £200.0.0 |
Eister snainsheil | £66.13.8 |
walter snawsheil | £33.6.8 |
Mr. Archibald douglas for hathoursyde | £171.0.0 |
Adam Turnbull there | £40.0.0 |
westlies | £66.13.4 |
Gilbert Elliot for kirknow | £80.0.0 |
Suma [Summa] of the rent of hopkirk paroch is | £8542.13.4 |
Abbutroull paroche | |
Mr. Charles Ker | £572.0.0 |
the rentilers ther [there] | £225.0.0 |
Mr. James Ker and his doughter in law | £433.6.8 |
Neither bondchester | £140.0.0 |
Roull tounehead | £140.0.0 |
the widow in fotherlie | £80.0.0 |
Mark Turnbull there | £100.0.0 |
Suma [Summa] of abbutroull paroch is | £1730.6.8 |
Sudden paroche | |
The Marques of Douglas | £4475.0.0 |
Gilbert Elliot of woolie | £1000.0.0 |
Suma of the rent of Sunden paroch | £5475.0.0 |
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