
Names of Proprietors Names of Lands Valuation
Sir Alexander Wedderburn, of Blacknes fourscore punds £80.0.0
Foullis Parish.
Lord Gray for the lands of Foullis and haill pertinents with the pendicles, one thousand six hundreth fourtie punds £1640.0.0
Summa patet
Countess of Kinghorne for her part in the lands of this parish £1836.8.4
Viscount of Dudope for Ceinguddie, and West Newtone, one hundreth fourscore four punds £184.0.0
Laird of Inschtuire for Drymmie, Whelplaw, Unthank, and his part of Rawes, fyve hundreth fourtie nyne punds, six shilling, eight pennies £549.6.8
Laird of Monorgan for the lands of Monorgan and yairds yreof [thereof], seven hundreth thrittie three punds, six shilling, eight pennies £733.6.8
Mr John Browne for Miretoune, one hundreth fourscore punds £180.0.0
Innergowrie Parish, 1650.
Longforgan Parish
James Boittare for Pilmore, three hundreth sixteene punds £316.0.0
Laird of Pitcur for South and North Ballowes, one hundreth fyftie punds £150.0.0
Thomas Ogilvie for Tempilhill and Brumehall, one hundreth and fourtie punds £140.0.0
John Reid for Knap, two hundreth three score six punds, thirteene shilling, four pennies £266.13.4
Andrew Ogilvie for his wadsett of Wester Newtown, thrittie three punds, six shilling, eight pennies £33.6.8
Major Andrew Duncan for his wadsett of Trotik one hundreth six punds, thirteene shilling, four pennies £106.13.4
Laird of Inchmartine for a part of Easter Newtone, twentie punds £20.0.0
Earl of Dirletounne for his part of the lands of Newtone, threscore six punds, thirteene shillings, four pennies £66.13.4
Lord Gray for Littletoune and Lochtoune, seven hundreth thrittie three punds, six shilling, eight pennies £733.6.8
James Fyfe for his two part of the lands of Drone, two hundreth fourtie punds £240.0.0
Laird of Lundie for his Few dewties of Drone, thirteene punds, six shilling, eight pennies £13.6.8
Earl of Kinghorne for his part of the lands in the Parish, fourteen hundreth fourscore punds, eighteen shilling, four pennies £1480.18.4
William Gray of Lauristone for Lauristone, two hundreth punds £200.0.0
Summa seven thousand two hundreth fyftie punds £7250.00
Rossie Parish
James Gray for his lands of Ballegirno, one thousand four hundreth twentie punds £1420.0.0
Viscount of Dudope for his part of Ballegirno, two hundreth threescore six punds, thirteene shilling, four pennies £266.13.4
Laird of Inschtuire for Rossie with the Mylne and his part of Ballegirno, seven hundreth four score four punds £784.0.0
Laird of Inchmartine for Ballindean, Templelands and Few dewties of Ballegirno, one thousand fourtie six punds, thirteene shilling, four pennies £1046.13.4
Earl of Dirletoune for the Few dewties paid to him out of Ballegirno, sixteene punds £16.0.0
Summa three thousand five hundreth threttie three punds, six shillings, eight pennies £3533.6.8
Mylnefield Dergo £80.0.0
Ochtertyre Fowlis £1640
George Paterson Templehall £28.0.0
Castlehuntly £2389.14.5
His part of Drimmie £63.0.3
Broomhall and part of Dykehead £63.14.2
Monorgan, including Oxgate £583.2.4
Pilmore £340.3.2
Thomas Mylne Kingoodie £157.19.0
Easter Balrennoch -- Held of Earl of Strathmore. £46.15.8
Gidspike £14.6.11
Muirton £144.10.9
Lord Kinnaird Milnhill £600.0.0
Half of Littleton -- Earl of Moray (Super.) [Superior] £270.13.4
Half of Littleton £270.13.4
Drone £240.0.0
Lundie's Feu thereon £13.6.8
Knap £266.13.4
Knap's part of Drone £133.6.8
Part of Drimmie £486.6.5
Part of Monorgan £214.1.4
Lochisles and Milnshades £129.5.7
Lochton, & Thomas Drummond's Trustees Newton £53.6.8
Patrick Kinnear Lochton £192.0.0
Greenhills £43.0.0
Lord Kinnaird Part of East Newton £36.2.8
Miss Margaret Kinnear Part of East Newton £15.10.8
Lord Kinnaird Lauriston -- Earl of Moray (Superior) £200.0.0
Trottick £106.13.4
Hon. [Honourable] Douglas Gordon Halyburton North Ballo £94.0.0
Ballindean South Ballo £58.0.0
[TOTAL] £7254.6.8
Lord Kinnaird Rossie £712.0.0
William Gray's, part of Balledgarno exclusive of the Mains £191.15.8
John Gray's part thereof £624.2.7
Charles Hunter's part thereof £614.6.3
Capt. [Captain] Robert Knox Trotter, 17th Lancers Ballindean westmost part of that estate with part Templelands £456.13.10
Other parts of Ballindean with part Templelands £589.19.6
Mains of Balledgarno £343.15.6
[TOTAL] £3532.13.4
Summa patet

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Transcriber's notes

Where items are bracketed together, the information opposite has been entered on the first relevant line. Annotations in ink have only been transcribed selectively.

Latin 'summa patet' - the total is self-evident
wadsett - mortgage

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Robesur, JBK, Megandoc, Caroline Macafee, AndrewN - Moderator