
Proprietor and land Malt Meal Butter Flesh Oil Money Totals Valuation
Parishes viz. Dearness 381--3--12 10-- -- 3--3-- 46--1-- £18.12.0 £1442.14.2 2/3
St. Andrews 351--2--12 12--2-- 13 1/2--4--2 3-- -- £41.18.0 £1535.9.1 1/3
Holm 343--2--12 18--4-- 6 1/2--4--6 2/3 51--1--10 £26.0.0 £1435.3.7 1/3
St. Ola 173--5--8 14-- --16 20 1/2--8-- 13--2-- £60.13.4 £1135.1.7 1/3
Orphir 250--2-- 10-- -- 15-- --12 49--3-- £319.9.4 £1154.8.2 2/3
Stromness 289-- --20 1/3 23--3--4 3/4 2 1/2-- -- 21--2-- £52.0.0 £1181.5.4 2/27
Sandwick 340--2--10 24-- -- 9--6-- 11--4-- £3.6.8 £1437.13.6 2/9
Stenness 84--2--11 11--5--10 9--4--18 33--1--20 £44.6.4 £596.1.11 7/9
Hanay 185--3--16 1-- -- 3 1/2--1-- £8.19.4 £703.13.4 8/9
Birsay 133-- --18 --7-- £457.15.0
Evie 268-- --18 52--4--6 27 1/2--5-- 35--4-- £139.18.4 £1840.3.4
Rendall 172--3-- 14--2-- 2 1/2--3-- 103--3-- £28.9.4 £820.6.0
Firth 122--1--22 6--4-- 4 3/4--7-- 8-- -- £6.13.4 £558.1.3 5/9
Islands viz. Gramsay 125--1-- 1-- -- £20.0.0 £457.4.5 1/3
Hoy 122-- -- 23--5-- 2 1/2-- -- £104.10.0 £656.10.0
Walls 302--1-- 1--3-- 3-- -- £30.0.0 £1103.4.5 1/3
So. [South] Ronaldshay 771-- --21 --8--12 £40.16.9 £2624.18.5 2/3
Burray & ca 253--5--12 6-- -- 3--8-- 2 1/2-- -- £986.7.9 1/3
Shapinshay 227--2--16 14-- -- 3--7--20 15-- -- £157.16.8 £1062.12.11 5/9
Stronsay 430--4-- 148--3-- 5--4-- £359.6.8 £2496.17.9 1/3
Sanday 864-- -- 48--4-- 3 1/2--7--18 £362.19.4 £3523.2.8
No. [North] Ronaldshay 261--4-- 23-- -- 3--1--12 £70.16.0 £1098.0.5 1/3
Eday 107--4--6 42--5-- 9--7-- 1-- -- £4.13.4 £730.12.6 2/3
Westray 319--1-- 59--4-- 10 1/6--8--4 30--3-- £369.11.2 £1922.5.7 1/3
Papa Westray 82--3--18 10--3-- £30.5.6 £316.3.10
Rousay & ca 253-- --12 21-- -- 9--2-- 4-- -- £38.2.0 £1153.14.2 2/3
Egilshay 40-- -- 20-- -- 7--8--10 £370.3.4
Wyre 42--2--12 8--1--4 1/2--11--12 35--5--4 3/4 --9--12 £15.6.8 £273.11.3 11/12
Total 7299--2--16 1/3 616--2--16 2/3 187 1/2--9--18 2/3 472--3--10 3/4 3 1/2--9-- £2354.10.1 £33464.6.4 83/108

Transcribe other information

Page 52
Land Tax
Abstract & Heritors Valuations

Parishes viz.
Dearness Deductions for money feu duty £50.0.0 / Amot. [Amount] free rent in each Parish £1392.14.2 2/3
St. Andrews Deductions for money feu duty ------- / Amot. [Amount] free rent in each Parish £1535.9.1 1/3
Holms Deductions for money feu duty £397.19.8 2/3 / Amot. [Amount] free rent in each Parish £1037.3.10 2/3
St Ola Deductions for money feu duty ------- /Amot. [Amount] free rent in each Parish £1136.1.5 2/9
Orphir Deductions for money feu duty £354.6.8 /Amot. [Amount] free rent in each Parish £1190.1.6 2/3
Stromness Deductions for money feu duty £92.12.0 /Amot. [Amount] free rent in each Parish £1088.13.4 2/27
Sandwick Deductions for money feu duty £108.18.0 /Amot. [Amount] free rent in each Parish £1328.15.6 2/9
Stenness Deductions for money feu duty -------/Amot. [Amount] free rent in each Parish £569.1.11 7/9
Hanay Deductions for money feu duty -------/Amot. [Amount] free rent in each Parish £703.13.4 8/9
Birsay Deductions for money feu duty ------- /Amot. [Amount] free rent in each Parish £457.15.10
Evie Deductions for money feu duty £264.1.8 /Amot. [Amount] free rent in each Parish £1636.1.8
Rendall Deductions for money feu duty -------/Amot. [Amount] free rent in each Parish £558.1.3 5/9
Firth Deductions for money feu duty -------/Amot. [Amount] free rent in each Parish £457.4.5 1/2

Islands viz.
Gramsay Deductions for money feu duty -------/Amot. [Amount] free rent in each Parish £457.4.5 1/3
Hoy Deductions for money feu duty -------/Amot. [Amount] free rent in each Parish £656.10.0
Walls Deductions for money feu duty £84.0.0 /Amot. [Amount] free rent in each Parish £1019.4.3 1/3
So. [South] Ronaldshay Deductions for money feu duty £33.6.8 /Amot. [Amount] free rent in each Parish £2591.11.9 2/3
Burray & ca Deductions for money feu duty £126.13.4 /Amot. [Amount] free rent in each Parish £859.14.5 1/3
Shapinshay Deductions for money feu duty£520.1.4 /Amot. [Amount] free rent in each Parish £542.11.7 5/9
Stronsay Deductions for money feu duty -------/Amot. [Amount] free rent in each Parish £2496.17.9 1/3
Sanday Deductions for money feu duty £375.0.0 /Amot. [Amount] free rent in each Parish £3148.2.8
No. [North] Ronaldshay Deductions for money feu duty £9.12.0 /Amot. [Amount] free rent in each Parish £1088.8.5 1/3
Eday Deductions for money feu duty -------/Amot. [Amount] free rent in each Parish £730.2.6 2/3
Westray Deductions for money feu duty -------/Amot. [Amount] free rent in each Parish £1922.5.7 1/3
Papa Westray Deductions for money feu duty -------/Amot. [Amount] free rent in each Parish £316.3.10
Rousay & ca Deductions for money feu duty £72.10.0 /Amot. [Amount] free rent in each Parish £1081.4.2 2/3
Egilshay Deductions for money feu duty £20.0.0 /Amot. [Amount] free rent in each Parish £350.3.4
Wyre Deductions for money feu duty -------/Amot. [Amount] free rent in each Parish £273.11.3 11/12

Transcriber's notes

The two last columns in the original transcript are headed "deductions for money feu duty" & "amount free rent in each parish" with sums entered into both or either columns. For this reason the Valuation column above is left blank

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hugh lapham