Proprietor and land | Valuation |
Doctor Archbald | £12.13.4 |
George & Mr Robert Mitchellsones | £122.0.0 |
John Dick | £8.6.8 |
Adam Mitchell for Martine Stevensone 35lb [pound] for Martine Stevensone for a pairt of Cuningham 41lb [pound] 5ss [shilling] for Thomas Cartie 16lb [pound] 10ss [shilling] inde | £92.15.0 |
John Learmond | £38.0.0 |
James Allan wryter in Edgh [Edinburgh] 31lb [pound] 4ss [shilling] 8d [pence] | £31.4.8 |
James Lourie 78lb [pound] 2ss [shilling] 8d [pennies] Divided thus | |
Thomas Lourie | £46.17.8 |
John & Alisone Lourie | £31.5.0 |
Henry Mcmillan younger for Christian Lourie | £8.13.4 |
James Hodge elder | £90.10.0 |
William Douglass for James Hopkirks heirs 42lb [pound] for Elizabeth Clerk 6lb [pound] 6ss [shilling] 8d [pennies] & for Capt [Captain] Vachies heirs 21lb [pound] 6ss [shilling] 8d [pennies] for John Scott 164lb [pound] inde | £233.13.4 |
James Ramsay | £24.6.8 |
Ritchard Allan 93lb [pound] 4ss [shilling] & for James Clark Candlemaker 8lb [pound] inde | £101.4.0 |
William Cleghorns heirs | £65.0.0 |
James Steill 82lb [pound] 6ss [shilling] 8d [pennies] & for James Steills heirs 66lb [pound] 13ss [shilling] 4d [pennies] | £149.0.0 |
Lauchline McIntosh for James Balfour | £11.0.0 |
James Brounes heirs | £6.6.8 |
William Simpsone 28lb [pound] 10ss [shilling] & for Patrick Clerk 8lb [pound] | £36.10.0 |
James Muirhead for James Baillie Litster | £29.0.0 |
James Baillie Litster for Thomas Watsone | £21.0.0 |
James Johnstoune | £14.0.0 |
James Watsone in Newbotle | £7.0.0 |
John Craig | £21.0.0 |
Patrick Fyffes heirs for Isobel Stevenson | £8.5.0 |
The Kirk Sessione of Dallkeith 8lb [pound] 61ss [shilling] 8d [pennies] for John Dausones heirs 15lb [pound] 16ss [shilling] 8d [pennies] inde | £23.13.4 |
George Cockburne | £8.0.0 |
Willam Blackie in Newbotle | £66.3.4 |
George Robertsones heirs | £13.6.8 |
Alexander Eder [Elder] | £78.6.8 |
Thomas Inglis wryter in Edgh [Edinburgh] | £23.0.0 |
James Allan elder | £35.6.8 |
William Currie | £19.6.8 |
James Elder | £23.13.4 |
William Hoges heirs | £62.0.0 |
Alexander Dallziell for Calderwood 75lb [pound] 9ss [shilling] for George Urquhart 21lb [pound] & for Francis Scotts heirs 27lb [pound] 10s [shilling] inde | £123.19.0 |
James Mcmillan elder | £24.8.0 |
William Gibb for Archbald Livingstoune | £13.4.0 |
Henry Mcmillans heirs | £6.12.0 |
David Friar | £6.6.8 |
Patrick Turnbull for Walter Scott in Dean | £18.13.4 |
Baillie Hog 8lb [pound] 6ss [shilling] 8d [pennies] for Catherine Dick 23lb [pound] 13ss [shilling] 4d [pennies] inde | £32.0.0 |
William Reid | £6.6.8 |
Andrew Kemp for ye [the] halfe of James Grieve | £8.4.6 |
James Johnstoune in Midletoune | £27.13.4 |
William Vaitch | £78.6.8 |
James Lourie for Thomas Lourie younger | £19.6.8 |
Mr John Calderwood | £15.3.4 |
John Walker for James Bridges Litster | £16.9.0 |
James Wilsone Vintnar | £14.16.0 |
James Grieve Clothier | £6.6.0 |
James Burn | £4.18.0 |
William Gillchrist for Archbald Simpsone | £4.18.0 |
Jean Douglass | £34.0.0 |
£7547.10.4 | |
Neatoune paroch | |
Lord Edmonstoune 1500lb [pound] for Sr [Sir] William Sharp 513lb [pound] And for his pairt of ye [the] superioritie 274lb [pound] 16ss [shilling] 3d [pennies] inde | £2284.16.3 |
Charles Murray of Hadden 700lb [pound] & for his pairt of the superioritie 94lb [pound] 10ss [shilling] 5d [pennies] inde | £794.10.5 |
Shireffhall | £586.0.0 |
Woollmett 1077 [pound] & for his pairt of ye [the] superioritie 145lb [pound] 8ss [shilling] 6d [pennies] | £1222.8.6 |
£4887.15.2 | |
Newbatle | |
The Marques of Lothian 3830lb [pound] & for ye [the] halfe of Robert Hamiltounes 98lb [pound] 10ss [shilling] | £3928.10.0 |
Sr [Sir] Thomas Moncrieff for Sr [Sir] Mark Carss | £1000.0.0 |
James Ellies of Southsyde | £459.0.0 |
Stonieflett | £100.0.0 |
Sr [Sir] Robert Dundass of Arniestoune | £443.0.0 |
And for Lillias Stewart | £54.14.0 |
William Meggat of Mestertoune 274lb [pound] 10ss [shilling] Divyded thus | |
The Lady | £74.10.0 |
Robert Rochead 82lb [pound] 6ss [shilling] 8d [pennies] & for his Lands of Mastertoune 200lb [pound] inde | £282.6.8 |
Alexander Gray for Andrew Brysones heirs | £88.0.0 |
James Miller for Marion Hurrie | £26.0.0 |
William Trent | £30.6.8 |
James Walsone for John Watsones 33lb [pound] for Agnes Kerr 5lb [pound] 6ss [shilling] 8d [pennies] And for William Broune 48lb [pound] 6ss [shilling] 8d [pennies] inde | £86.13.4 |
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[Signed] R. Thomsone
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