Proprietor and land | Valuation |
George Ronaldsone | £38.10.0 |
William Blaikie | £18.6.8 |
John Dalrymple | £5.6.8 |
George Warrebder for Thomas Lourie | £64.13.4 |
William Junkiesone 33lb [pound] & for Catherine Fiddes 18lb [pound] 6ss [shilling] 8d [pennies] | £51.6.8 |
Robert Hamiltoune | £98.10.0 |
William Vaitch | £6.13.4 |
George Ainslie | £33.0.0 |
James Chirnsyde for William Taitt 5lb [pound] 10ss [shilling] And for George Taitt 5lb [pound] 10s [shilling] inde | £11.0.0 |
Robert Cuthbertsone | £5.10.0 |
John Nisbett | £11.0.0 |
William Turnbull | £56.10.0 |
John Patersone | £11.0.0 |
James Greive | £5.16.0 |
John Russell | £40.6.8 |
£7138.11.0 | |
Leswade | |
Lord Prestoune 566lb [pound] 13ss [shilling] 4d [pennies] Divyded thus | |
Robert Prestoune of that ilk for utersheill | £366.13.4 |
John Inglis of Auchindennie | £200.0.0 |
Sr [Sir] John Ramsay | £483.6.8 |
Sr [Sir] William Drummond of Hathorndean | £222.0.0 |
Sr [Sir] John Clarkk | £1266.13.4 |
John Johnstoune for ye [the] halfe of Polltoune | £200.0.0 |
Sr [Sir] John Gibsone | £1600.0.0 |
George Lockhart of Carwath for Dryden 133lb [pound] 6ss [shilling] 8d [pennies] & for his pairt of Rosshire 888lb [pound] 11ss [shilling] inde | £1021.17.8 |
The Laird of Rosshire ye [the] rest | £268.2.4 |
Lord Ross | £1557.13.4 |
Hillend | £300.0.0 |
£7430.6.8 | |
Woodhouselie | |
James Deans for William Purves | £733.0.0 |
Glencorse 490lb [pound] Divyded thus | |
The Baronie of Glencorss | £468.8.0 |
Sr [Sir] Thomas Young for Easter & Wester Greenlaues & Darmormilne | £200.0.0 |
Robert Thomsone for Thomas Borthwick | £80.0.0 |
Sr [Sir] John Clark for Cruikin | £98.0.0 |
£1579.8.0 | |
Penniecrook paroch | |
Sr [Sir] John Clerk of Pennicook | £1574.13.4 |
Sr [Sir] John Gibsone | £850.0.0 |
Newhall | £176.0.0 |
James Oswald of Spitle | £300.0.0 |
Fullertoune | £226.6.8 |
Lord Ross | £226.6.8 |
Motlothian | £244.6.8 |
Bavillaw | £244.6.8 |
Sr [Sir] John Scougalls heirs | £64.10.0 |
£3780.3.4 | |
Cockpen paroch | |
Earle of Dalhousie wanting the Sheelds | £1801.18.9 |
The Laird of Cockpen | £1000.0.0 |
John Johnstoune for ye [the] halfe of Polltoune | £200.0.0 |
And for William Ramsays heirs for Hillend | £33.6.8 |
Mr John Hay of Bridges | £33.6.8 |
£3068.12.1 | |
Carringtoune | |
The Viscomt of Primrose for ye [the] Barronie & Sheelds | £2375.0.0 |
Sr [Sir] John Ramsay of Whythill | £455.0.0 |
£2830.0.0 | |
Cromstoune | |
The heirs of Mr William Fletcher | £389.0.0 |
Fountainhall | £584.0.0 |
The Viscount of Oxfoord 1680lb [pound] Divided thus | |
Mr William Maitland | £868.0.0 |
Chesterhall | £812.0.0 |
Sr [Sir] James Dalrymple for Cousland | £2364.13.4 |
Mr Roderick Mckenzie | £950.8.0 |
Caickmure | £240.0.0 |
£6208.1.4 | |
Chroightoune paroch | |
The Viscount of Primrose for his Barronie | £1373.11.10 |
Sr [Sir] James Justice for Easter Crightoune 450lb [pound] for Major Waddell 70lb [pound] & for Turniedykes 660 [pound] inde | £1180.0.0 |
Mairtene Muir for a pairt of ye [the] Viscount of Primrose | £160.0.0 |
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[Signed] R. Thomsone
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