
Proprietor Land Valuation Totals
The Mains in Southweik is worth yearly an hundred and seventy pound, inde, £170.0.0
Eastwood worth yearly fifty pounds, inde £50.0.0
Barscraith wirth yearly sixty pound, inde £60.0.0
Bank is worth yearly thirty pound, inde £30.0.0
Barns is worth yearly sixty pound, inde £60.0.0
Dummuck worth yearly thirty pound, inde £30.0.0
Meibank and Jacklig is worth an hundred thirty-three pound six shilling eight pennies, inde £133.6.8
James Young, his Feu Maill yearly worth thirty-four pound inde £34.0.0
Auchinskeoch worth yearly an hundred pound, £100.0.0
Clonyard worth yearly ninety pound, inde £90.0.0
Maidin Pap worth an hundred thirty-five pound, £135.0.0
Drumcrow worth yearly twenty-four pound, inde £25.0.0
Roundfell worth yearly twenty-five pound, £25.0.0
Over Clifton worth yearly eighty pound, inde £80.0.0
Nether Clifton worth an hundred pound, inde £100.0.0
Rayes worth yearly seventy-five pound, inde £75.0.0
Boreland and Cuill worth an hundred and fifteen pound, inde £115.0.0
Laggan worth yearly sixtie pound, inde £16.0.0
Marbruy with the Crofts worth sixty pound, inde £60.0.0
The Boreland of Clovend and Crofts thereto belonging, Robert Lindsay's Croft being excepted, worth an hundred and thirty pound, £130.0.0
Glenstokin worth ninety-five pound, inde £95.0.0
Auchinlosh worth yearly twenty pound, inde £20.0.0
Barnhourie worth an hudred twenty-five pound, £125.0.0
Mabay has Barcloy, and is worth yearly an hundred and twenty pound, inde £120.0.0
The Mark worth yearly fifty-five pound, £55.0.0
Kirkland worth yearly thirty-five pound, inde £35.0.0
Southland and Barcloy worth thirty-four pound, inde £34.0.0
Auchinshein worth yearly fifty pound, £50.0.0
Barnbaroch worth seventy-five pound, inde £75.0.0
Kipp worth yearly an hundred pound, inde £100.0.0
Auchinhey worth yearly seventy-five pound, £75.0.0
Drumstanchell worth seventy-five pound, inde £75.0.0
Mikill Cloak worth yearly ninety pound £90.0.0
Little Cloak worth forty-five pound, £45.0.0
Conzard worth yearly fifty pound, £50.0.0
M'Brayer's half of Corsok worth forty pound, £40.0.0
The Laird of Fairgirth has Fairgirth Mains, with the Crofts, and is worth yearly two hundred and eighty pound, inde £280.0.0
Barscraith with the Crofts worth an hundred and eighty pound, inde £180.0.0
His half of Corsok worth sixty pound, £60.0.0
Totalis of this parish is three thousand one hundred threescore five pound six shilling and eight pennies, inde £3165.6.8
The Rev, [Reverend] JOHN GARLIES MAITLAND, of Fairgirth. Fairgirth, £280.0.0
Barscraigh, £180.0.0
Corsock, £100.0.0
Auchenhay, £75.0.0
Little Cloak, £45.0.0
RICHARD ALEXANDER OSWALD , of Auchencruive. *Boreland of Colvend, £130.0.0
*Laggan, £70.0.0
*Marbrowie, £50.0.0
*Barnhourie, £125.0.0
*Ryes, £75.0.0
*Nether Clifton, £100.0.0
Lieutenant-General JAMES DUNLOP, of Dunlop. Mains of Southwick and Crofts, £48.0.0
Feus formerly called James Young's £34.0.0
Bareness, £60.0.0
Dinmuck, £40.0.0
Porrowton and Brockside, £40.0.0
Gillfoot, £2.10.0
Bank, £50.0.0
Barscrape and Shaw, £72.10.0
Burgh, £40.0.0
Eastwood, £50.0.0
Chapelhill and Stepend Croft, £5.0.0
THOMAS CRICHTON, of Auchenskeoch. Boreland of Southwick and Cool, £115.0.0
Clonyard, £90.0.0
Auchenskeoch, £100.0.0
Auchenlosh, £20.0.0
Upper Clifton, £80.0.0
The POOR OF CARLAVEROCK Barcloy, £100.0.0
Mark, £50.0.0
Drumwhany, £4.0.0
Kirkland, £50.0.0
Barclye and Smithland, £40.0.0
JOHN COSTIN, of Glenson. *Maidenpape, £81.13.4
*Brackeny-hills, £13.6.8
*Roundfell, £25.0.0
*Glenson, £40.0.0
*Drumcow, £25.0.0
ROBERT M'EWAN, of Millbank. *Millbank, £92.0.0
*Jacklig, £50.0.0
ROBERT CARRICK, of Braco. Glenstocken, £95.0.0
THOMAS LOWDEN. Meikle Cloak, £90.0.0
ROBERT COCHRAN. *Drumstinchal, £75.0.0
ROBERT THRESHIE, of Barnbarroch. *Nether Barnbarroch, £37.10.0
*Slaterhall (Part of Kipp), £15.0.0
JOHN LOWDEN, Clonyard, £50.0.0
WILLIAM M'BRAIR. *Orchardknowes (part of Kipp) £42.10.0
JOHN CROSBIE. Mains of Kipp £42.10.0
ROBERT HERRIES. Upper Barnbarroch, £37.10.0
ROBERT REID. Auchenhill (Part of Auchensheen). £16.13.6
JOHN and WILLIAM AIKEN. Herries's Auchensheen £16.13.6
HUGH LINDSAY. Anderson's Auchensheen, £5.11.0
JOHN DONALDSON. Donaldson's Auchensheen, £5.11.0
JAMES DUFF. Loch-house (Part of Auchensheen). £5.11.0
Total Valuation of the Parish of COLVEND, Three thousand one hundred and eighty three pounds. £3183.0.0

Transcribe other information

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Transcriber's notes

Annotations in red and/or green ink have not been transcribed.

ANTIENT VALUATION. - Entry for Laggan reads worth yearly sixtie pound, inde but figure reads £16.0.0 - have transcribed as is.

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Chr1smac -Moderator, Bizzy- Moderator