
Names of Proprietors Names of Lands Valuation
Parish of Terregles continued
Charles Sharpe of Hoddam Part of Hynd's Cluny £36.0.0
Thomas Young of Youngfield Newton £50.0.0
Corrie's Croft and Mossup £20.0.0
James Hoop's Croft £10.0.0
Oaky Hill £8.0.0
William Brand Cunningham's Land £33.0.0
Miss Mitchelson Mitchelson's Croft £25.0.0
Heirs of Lothian of Stafford College Water Fishing £80.0.0
North Maryholm £20.5.0
James Biggar South Maryholm £20.5.0
Total Valuation of the Parish of Terregles £2021.6.8
Parish of Troqueer
James Maxwell of Kirkconnell Kirkconnell and Mabie £1174.0.0
Edgar Corrie of Redbank Redbank £255.0.0
Hugh Corrie of Culloch Priestlands £74.0.0
Colonel De Peyster Mavis Grove £37.0.0
Mrs. Smith Woodhead £50.0.0
Marthrown, Armanach of Quarterland £69.0.0
Mrs. Milligan of Dalscairth Dalscairth £150.0.0
Lightwaterford £20.0.0
James Stothart of Cargen Cargen £615.0.0
Conhooth's Seven Roads £9.0.0
George Maxwell of Carruchan Carruchan £462.2.8
Cunningham's Cargenbridge Croft £12.0.0
George Johnston of Cowhill Brae £30.0.0
Conhooth £40.15.8
Upper Brae £30.0.0
David Clark Casseylands £12.0.0
Gribton's Five Axres £33.6.8
John Maxwell of Terraughly Nether Terraughly £141.13.4
Chapmanleys £30.0.0
Charles Sharpe of Hoddam Terraughly Miln £60.0.0
Felland £36.15.0
Starryheugh £50.0.0
Major General Thomas Goldie of Goldie Lee Holm £145.0.0
Drungans £180.0.0
Holm Muttures £82.10.0
James Ramsay Carlyle's Drungans £45.0.0
William Wright Conhooths Cargenbridge Croft £18.0.0
Mrs. Blair Garroch and Kilnford £117.16.0
Moortreeknow £5.0.0
Irving's Cargenbridge Croft £18.0.0
Provost Irving's Three Acres £20.0.0
Mrs. Irving's Land £13.8.0

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Parish of Terregles continued - page 50
Parish of Troqueer - page 51

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hugh lapham