
Proprietor & Land Valuation Valuation (Total)
Rerrick Paroch continued
30th [page]
John Rains Tack Twelve pounds ten Shills [shillings] £12.10.0
William Blacks Tack Twenty two pound ten Shills [shillings] £22.10.0
Barlocco one hundered and ten pounds £110.0.0
Miln of Auchencairn Sixty five pound £65.0.0
Nether Miln Fifty pounds £50.0.0
Placecrofts Fifty pounds £50.0.0
Outer Netherlaw one hundered pounds £100.0.0
Forrest Thirty Six pounds £36.0.0
Torrs lands two hundered and eighty five pounds £285.0.0
Baligg Two hundered and Twenty pounds £220.0.0
Overlaw Two hundered and ten pounds £210.0.0
Culnaightry Two hundered and Thirty five pd [pounds] £235.0.0
Nether Auchenleck Thirty five pound £35.0.0
Blackfoord Thirty pounds £30.0.0
Drungans Fifty pounds £50.0.0
Nether Hazelfield Ninty five pounds £95.0.0
[sub total] 1606.0.0
Totall is Five thousand Nine hundered and Sixty pounds £5960.0.0
Terregles Paroch
Waterheads Forty pounds £40.0.0
Beltonhill Twenty four pounds £24.0.0
Brounhill Twenty four pounds £24.0.0
Cleughbrae Thirty three pound Six Sh: [shillings] eight pen :[pennies] £33.6.8
Cornyeard and Badyhill Sixty three pd:[pounds] 6 Sh: [shillings] 8 pen: [pennies] £63.6.8
Brockholes & Seaside Eighty four pound £84.0.0
John Mains Seaside Twenty four pound £24.0.0
Upper and Nether Stead Sixty pounds £60.0.0
Braecroft and Holecroft Twenty two pound £22.0.0
Aikie Bush Sixty pounds £60.0.0
The Hole Thirty three pound Six Shills: [shillings] & 8pen : [pennies] £33.6.8
Andrew Robsons Clung Seventy four pounds £74.0.0
The Corrie Clung Forty pounds £40.0.0
Kaigs croft Six pound thirteen Shillings & four pen: [pennies] £6.13.4
Terregles Mains one hundered and thirty three pd [pounds] 6Sh [shillings] 8d [pennies] £133.6.8
The Knockings Six pound thirteen Shills: [shillings] & 4 pennies £6.13.4
The Hardthorn Thirty three pound Six Shills: [shillings] & 8 pen: [pennies] £33.6.8
Barnhill Sixty pounds £60.0.0
Terregles Toun Three hundred & Twenty pounds £320.0.0
Terregles Paroch continued
31st [page]
Newtoun Fifty pounds £50.0.0
Colledge Mains Sixty Six pounds £66.0.0
Kirkland one hundered and fifty pounds £150.0.0
Baillie Hynds Clung Ninty Six pounds £96.0.0
Hallmyre Thirty Six pounds ten Shillings £36.10.0
Carse Meadows and Frierhill Eighty pounds £80.0.0
McKinnnys woodhead Sixteen pounds £16 £16.0.0
Maxwells Woodhead Fifteen pound £15.0.0
Jardingtoun Twenty pounds £20.0.0
Charles Neilsons Aiky hill Eight pounds £8.0.0
James Hoops croft ten pounds £10.0.0
Mitchelsons croft Twenty five pounds £25.0.0
John Corries croft and Mossup Twenty pounds £20.0.0
Cuninghams Land Thirty three pound £33.0.0
Mary Holm Forty pound ten Shillings £40.10.0
Colledge Water Eighty pounds £80.0.0
[Sub total] £1159.6.8
Drungans Two hundered and Twenty five pound £225.0.0
Troqueer Paroch
Kirkconnells Lands Six hundered & Sixty pounds £660.0.0
Mabies Lands Five hundered and fourteen pounds £514.0.0
Robert Griers Lands Five hundred & Seventeen pounds £517.0.0
Cargen Lands Six hundered and fifteen pound £615.0.0
Dalscairths Lands one hundered & fifty pounds £150.0.0
Carruchans Lands Four hundred & Sixty two pd [pounds] 2Sh [shillings] 8d [pennies] £462.2.8
The Brae Lands Thirty pound £30.0.0
Conheaths Lands Forty pound fifteen Sh: [shillings] 8 penies [pennies] £40.15.8
Upper Brae Thirty pounds £30.0.0
Causeylands Twelve pounds £12.0.0
Five acres belonging to Gribtoun Thirty three pd [pounds] Six Sh [shillings] 8d [pennies] £33.6.8
Nethr. [Nether] Terraughty one hundred& forty one pound 13Sh [shillings] 4d [pennies] £141.13.4
The Fellend Thirty Six pound five Shills: [shillings] £36.5.0
Terraughty Mill Sixty pounds £60.0.0
Starry Heugh Fifty pounds £50.0.0
The Holm Multures Eighty two pound ten Sh: [shillings] £82.10.0
The Lands of Holm one hundered & Sixty five pound £165.0.0
Craigenbrig croft Eighteen pound £18.0.0
Garroch one hundered pounds Sixteen Shillings £100.16.0

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John Dalyell
David Tlefair
Thomas Bean

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.
