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[Page] 7At Kinross the Ninteen day of October One Thousand seven hundered seventy one years [19 Oct 1771].The Commissioners of Supply for the County of Kinross being this day Conveen'd viz Sir Michael Malcolm of Lochore Bart.[Baronet] John Adam of Maryburgh Esqr. Robert Burt of Barns James Stewart Sheriff Substit.[Substitute] for Kinross Shire, John Hutchison Barron Baillie of Kinross Hary Young of Warroch & Capt.[captain] William Bayne of his Majesties Navy- Sir Michael Malcolm preses.When compeared before them the Collector of the Land Tax of that County ( in virtue of a Letter Transmitted to him in name of the Barrons of his Majesties Exchr. [Exchequer] Signd by D.Steuart Moncrieffe bearing date 30th August last.) & produced before them a book in which is Ingrossed a Roll of the Valued Rent of the Several and respective Lands in Kinross County by which the Land Tax is uplifted,and which Roll is adjusted and approved of by the Said Commissioners 19th. August 1769 years. Also the Collector produced a Coppy of Said Roll Consisting of the Six foregoing pages with the Marginal note on the third page which on Comparing with the principal Roll The Commissioners Find that they agree togither which Copy so produced & Consisting as aforesaid is by order of the Meeting Sign'd by the preses Clerk and Colector in presence of Said Meeting and ordered by them to be Transmitted to Mr.Thomas Belsches presenter of Signatures in Excheqre.[Exchequer] Edin.[Edinburgh] in Terms of the foresaid Letter.
[Signed] Michael Malcolm
Transcriber's notes
preses - person appointed chairman or president of a committeeTranscribers who have contributed to this page.
Dauvit- Moderator, Anne Baker
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