Proprietor and land | Valuation |
Kinross Parish | |
Robert Rankine for his Lands of Colden Cavilston & Brunthill. Two hundered fifty four pound | £254.0.0 |
Robert Rankine for Clashlochy. One hundered Seventy pound | £170.0.0 |
Alexander Flockhart for Annafraich One hundered Sixty pound | £160.0.0 |
Henry Flockhart for part of Annafraich lands One hundered Sixty pound | £160.0.0 |
Anne Bennet for Gairnybridge Eighteen pound | £18.0.0 |
David Arnot for part of Carsygower One hundered pound | £100.0.0 |
John Baveridge for part of Carsygower Lands One hundered pound | £100.0.0 |
Andrew Horn for part of Cockcairny One hundered fifty one pound | £151.0.0 |
James Baveridge part of Tillyochie Wester One hundered five pound | £105.0.0 |
John Dempster for part of Tillyochie Wester lands Two hundered Ten pound | £210.0.0 |
James Baveridge for part of Tillyochie Easter Two hundered ten pound | £210.0.0 |
Michael Marshal for part of Tillyochie Easter land One hundered five pound | £105.0.0 |
James Stocks for Lathrow lands One hundered Eleven pound | £111.0.0 |
Michael Henderson for his lands of Turffhills One hundered fourty four pound Thirteen Shill [Shillings] four penys | £144.13.4 |
Robert Greig for Lathangie & Ward four hundered Twenty four pound | £424.0.0 |
John Hutchison for Round fold Six pound | £6.0.0 |
James Bruce Carstairs of Kinross Esqr. for Eastmoor Ninteen pound six shillings Eight penys | £19.6.8 |
James Bruce for a peice Ground called Newhouse Grass Eight pound | £8.0.0 |
Kinross town Acers four hundered Ninty pound | £490.0.0 |
Stedman and Wardlaws Acers Seventy pound | £70.0.0 |
Boltown Acers One hundered Thirty pound | £130.0.0 |
William Mercer of Aldie for part of Baleve lands Eighty pound | £80.0.0 |
William Mercer of Aldie for another part thereof fourty pound | £40.0.0 |
William Mercer Of Aldie for another part of the Same fourty pound | £40.0.0 |
Aldies part of Cockairny fourty three pound | £43.0.0 |
Henry Burt for part Easter Ballado Eighty pound | £80.0.0 |
Andrew Dowie for part Easter Ballado fourty pound | £40.0.0 |
James Stewart Sheriff Substit.[Substitute] of Kinross Shirefor a roum in Wester Ballado fourty pound | £40.0.0 |
Kinross Parish Carried | |
James Stewart aforesaid for another Roum in Wester Ballado Fourty poumd | £40.0.0 |
James Stewart for other Two Roums in Wester Ballado Eighty pound | £80.0.0 |
James Stewart For a Roum In Easter Ballado fourty pound | £40.0.0 |
Robert Dowie for Heathry foord Twenty one pound | £21.0.0 |
Aldie for Gellyhaugh Five pound | £5.0.0 |
Andrew Horn for Craigtown Seventy three pound Six Shill [Shillings] Eight penys | £73.6.8 |
Lochleven Fishing Sixty pound | £60.0.0 |
James Beatson of Mawhill One hundered Seventy Eight pound | £178.0.0 |
Sum valuation of Kinross Parish is Four Thousand Six pound Six Shill [Shillings] Eight penys Scots | £4006.6.8 |
Parish of Orwell | |
Henry Young of Warroch Two hundered pound | £200.0.0 |
James Beatson for Drumgerland One hundered Twenty five pound | £125.0.0 |
Mathew Henderson for Little Seggy One hundered Ten pound | £110.0.0 |
James Robertson of Touchy One hundered Thirty three pound | £133.0.0 |
George Gibson for Moorhead Twenty five pound | £25.0.0 |
James Beatson for part of Seggie One hundered pound | £100.0.0 |
Andrew Reddies part of Seggie One hundered pound | £100.0.0 |
William Schaws part of Seggie One hundered pound | £100.0.0 |
Peter Thomsons part of Seggie One hundered pound | £100.0.0 |
Thomas Horns part of Seggie fifty pound | £50.0.0 |
Peter Rutherfords part of Seggie Thirteen pound Six Shill [Shillings] eight penys | £13.6.8 |
Alexander Thomsons part of Seggie Thirty Six pound thirteen Shill [Shillings] four penys | £36.13.4 |
Andrew Robertson of Rintoul Ninty pound | £90.0.0 |
Thomas Greive for Leadlannat Ninty pound | £90.0.0 |
Rutherfords part thereof Ninty pound | £90.0.0 |
George Condy for Leadlation One hundered Seventy four pound | £174.0.0 |
William Daes for part of Dalquiech One hundered Sixteen pound ten shill [Shillings] | £116.10.0 |
Mistris Patons part of Dalquiech One hundered Sixteen pound ten Shilling | £116.10.0 |
John Marshall Senr. [Senior] part of Dalquiech fifty eight pound five Shill [Shilling] | £58.5.0 |
John Marshal Junr. [Junior] part of Dalquiech fifty eight pound five shill [shilling] | £58.5.0 |
The Lands of Shannwell Two hundered Sixty Six pound | £266.0.0 |
Andrew Horn for part of Dalquiech one hundered Sixteen pound ten shill [shilling] | £116.10.0 |
Ebenezer Brown of Finderly One hundered fifteen pound | £115.0.0 |
Ebenezer Brown for Brocklaw Sixty Eight pound | £68.0.0 |
John Miller for part of Ballingall One hundered Seventy Six pound | £176.0.0 |
Transcribe other information
page 1stRoll of the Valuation of the different Lands in the County of Kinross Conform to which the Collector of Supply is in all time coming to Levy Cess Imposed by Law,Which Roll is Settled and adjusted by a General Meeting of the Commisioners of Supply Held at Kinross this Ninteenth day of August One Thousand & Seven hundered Sixty Nine Years [19 Aug 1769]. & Stands thus viz.
[signed]: Michael Malcolm Collr.[Collector] Peter Reid Collr.[Collector] James Stewart
page 2d
[signed]: Michael Malcolm James Stewart Peter Reid Collr.[Collector]
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Dauvit- Moderator, Anne Baker
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