
Proprietor & Land Valuation Valuation (Total)
Brought forward £73.6.8
J. Davidson's part of Touch per D. 16 September 1736 No. 124 afterwards George Brown's per D. 18 May 1756, No. 257 £30.0.0
John Drysdale of Middle Baldridge per D. 25 January 1737 No. 130 £25.0.0
Woods and Wards purchased by the Town per D. 25 January 1737 No. 131 £18.0.0
George Davidson's feu of Garvock per D. 13 June 1737 No. 134 £34.10.0
West half of part of the lands of Garvock feued to William Beith now belonging to Adam Low per D. 5 October 1780, No. 431 £15.0.0
East half of the lands of Garvock feued to William Beith now belonging to James Douglas per D. 5 October 1780, No. 431 £15.0.0
Easter Gillet called Southern and Northern Walmouth and the Sandyknow belonging to George Muir per D. 5 October 1780, No. 431 £30.0.0
Piece of ground on the north side of the Walk Mill called the Haughbrae, Priests Meadow and Easter Little Garvock feued to Alexander Williamson per D. 4 July 1799, No. 605 £20.0.0
Garvock and Wards thereof commonly called Thimblehall feued to John Gibson per D. 4 July 1799, No. 605 £18.0.0
Lands of Garvock of old possessed by John Miller and set in feu to Dr. [Doctor] Stedman per D. 4 July 1799, No. 605 £20.0.0
Robert Wellwoods remaining lands of Garbock Touch and Baldrige per D. 4 July 1799, No. 605 £814.0.0
[total] £1112.16.8
60. Carnock Parish.
Note 1. On 12 December 1771, No. 349, George Chalmers valued rent for part of Clun called Goukhall and twenty acres and two roods of said lands of Clun being £63.0.0 was disjoined from Dr. [Doctor] Erskines valued rent but must have been again joined to them before the subsequent disjunction took place.
Note 2. On 21 May 1765, No. 307, Mr George Chalmers valued rent for the teinds of his part of Wester Luscar or Drumtuthill is stated to be £52.2.1⁹⁄₁₂.

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Transcriber's notes

The totals indicate that the superscript sums of money are twelfths of the penny.

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Bizzy- Moderator, charles