
Proprietor and land Valuation
Dalgettie parish
Earle of Murray ane Thousand tuo hundreth seventie fyve pund £1275.0.0
Leuchatt fyve hundreth Sextie Nyne pund 13ss [shilling] 4 [pennies] £569.13.4
Otterston Three hundreth fourtie fyve pund 13ss [shilling] 4d [pennies] £145.13.4
John Moubray of Coukairny Three hundreth Nyntie fyve pund 13ss [shilling] 4d [pennies] £395.6.8
Lor Yester sex hundreth threttie sex pund £636.0.0
Viccar Lands fouteen pund 6ss [shilling] 8d [pennies] £14.6.8
Fordell Hendersones Tuo Thousands Ane Hundreth Threttie four pund £6394.0.0
Carnock parish
Hendrie Wardline of Uester Luscar three hundreth seventie eight pund 13ss [shilling] 4d [pennies] £378.13.4
Adam Stobies portione of Luscar ane hundreth & sextie eight pund £168.0.0
Lord Yester Seventie four pund £74.0.0
James Cleiland of pittdines sex hundreth fourscore tuo pund £682.0.0
Earle of Kincairden ane Thousand tuo hundreth threttie three pund ten shilling £1233.10.0
Summa tuo Thousand fyve hundreth Threttie Sex pund 3ss [shilling] 4d [pennies] £2536.3.4
Crummie parish
Laird of Balamblae ane Thousand three hundreth eleven pund £1311.0.0
Lord Colvill Nyne hundreth and tuentie pund £920.0.0
William Wilsone of Walkmilne ane hundreth tuenty four pund £124.0.0
Jerome Cowie seventeen pund 13ss [shilling] 4d [pennies] £17.13.4
Summa Tuo Thousand three hundreth seventie tuo pund 13ss [shilling] 4d [pennies] £2372.13.4
Nota ye [the] Clark is [to extract] my Lord Colvill for ane Thousand & tuenty pund being [Nooring] Casten as above
Torrie parish
Earle of Kincairden Tuo Thousand four hundreth and threttie pund 13ss [shilling] 4d [pennies] £2430.13.4
Doctor Sibbald Sexteen pund 10 £16.10.0
Vallifeild for pittsoullie Three hundreth threttie fyve pund 10ss [shilling] £335.10.0
Summa Tuo Thousand seven hundreth threttie fyve pund 10ss [shilling] £2782.13.4
Innerkeithing parish
pittathro Sex hundreth and fytie pund 6ss [shilling] 8d [pennies] £50.6.8
Earle of Hadingtoun Tuentie Seven pund £27.0.0
Balbougie & & dealls fyve hundreth Threttie fyve pund £535.0.0
Selvadge Nyntie Seven pund Sex ss [shilling] 8d [pennies] £97.6.8
Spencerfield sex hundreth Threttie Nyne pund 13ss [shilling] 4d [pennies] £639.13.4
Urgharts four hundreth tuentie fyve pund £425.0.0
Sir david Thores Ane thousand three hundreth tuentie four pund £1324.0.0
Rosayeth Tuo Thousand tuo hundreth sextie eight pund £2268.0.0
Heretors of North ferrie tuo hundreth fourtie sex pund £246.0.0
Rottmells Innes sextie three pund £63.0.0
William Hendersone seventeen Rigs threttie on pund 10ss [shilling] £31.10.0
Lord Yester four hundreth and Nyne pund £409.0.0
Spitlefeild ane hundreth fyftie on pund £151.0.0
Summa Sex Thousand eight hundreth Sextie Sex pund 16ss [shilling] 8d [pennies] £6866.16.8
Abreviat of Dunfermline prysbetrie
Aberdou parish Seven Thousand & fyfteen pund 10 ss [shilling] £715.10.0
Dunfermline Tuentie tuo Thousand ane hundreth tuentie seven pund £22127.0.0
Baith Three Thousand ane hundreth and fyftie pund 16ss [shilling] 8d [pennies] £3150.16.8
Saullin four Thousand ane hundreth Sextie on pund 6ss [shilling] 8d [pennies] £4161.6.8
Dalgettie Fyve Thousand three hundreth Nyntie four pund £5394.0.0
Carnock Tuo Thousand fyve hundreth threttie sex pund £2536.0.0
Crummie Tuo Thousand three hundreth seventie Tuo pund 13ss [shilling] 4d [pennies] £2372.13.4
Torrie Tuo Thousand seen hundreth eightie tuo pund 13ss [shilling] 4d [pennies] £2782.13.4
Summa Fyftie Sex Thousand four hundreth and Sex pund 16ss [shilling] 8d [pennies] £56406.16.8
Cupar prysbetrie Nyntie Nyne Thousand Sex hundreth fyftie eight pund 6ss [shilling] 8d [pennies] £99658.6.8
Kirkcaldie Eightie Seven Thousand sex hundreth sextie seven pund 16ss [shilling] 8d [pennies] 87667.16.8
St Andrews Ane hundreth Tuentie Sex Thousand fyftie three pund 6ss [shilling] 8d [pennies] £126053.6.8
The Totall of the four prysbetries above Including the Kings rent is three hundreth Sextie Nyne Thousand, seven hundreth and Eightie Sex pund sex shilling eight pennies £369786.6.8

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[Signed] P Bruce

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