
Names of Proprietors Names of Lands Valuation
Alloa Parish Continued Scots.
Brought over £4832.1.2
John Francis Erskine Esquire The Park and some pieces of ground on the South of the said road and on the South west of the Town of Alloa possessed by William Deas Jur [Junior] £5.18.2
The piece of ground at the Sawmill possessed by Haig Dease & Coy [Company] £17.18.1
The Lands of Bowhouse possessed by William Robertson £362.18.1
The Inch of Alloa possessed by the said William Robertson £191.0.0
The Taylors meadow also possessed by him £47.15.1
The Salmon fishing on the water of Forth also possessed by him £36.14.3
The Customs of Alloa also set to him £71.12.7
The piece of ground feued for behoof of the Alloa Glashouse Coy [Company] £5.7.5
The Ferry boat of Craigward set to William Davidson £7.19.2
The Lands of Greenfield belonging in Feu farm to Doctor Dundas and possest [possessed] by James Robertson £48.19.0
James Rintoul Boyds meadow £5.19.5
John Francis Erskine Esquire The wood of Alloa and Pleasure ground near the House of Alloa in the natural possession of the Family of Mar £191.0.0
[sub-total] £3268.1.1
Carried over £5825.2.5
Alloa Parish Continued Scots.
Brought over £5825.2.5
John Francis Erskine Esquire Park Mill £90.5.3
Mills of Alloa £267.8.4
Killtoun £267.8.4
Holeton £120.6.6
Woodside £90.5.3
Petty Feus of Alloa £85.5.3
The Property of some Hundred of Feuars of Houses and yards House meals of Alloa £601.1.10
The Earl of Mansfield Gartmorn £45.10.0
late Lord Cathcart Gogar £100.6.0
Total Valuation of Alloa Parish £7492.19.2

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