
Proprietor Land Valuation Totals
Proprietors Lands Valuation Scots
Dr [Doctor] Alexander Monro of Craiglockhart Cockburn mains £415.2.1
Carling flat. Walkers land & Barrowslap £65.2.1
Cockburn Mill & Mill lands £143.9.9⁶⁄₁₂
Bush & Colderooks £107.11.0⁶⁄₁₂
Oatley cleugh £110.18.9
Wester Windsheill £146.12.3⁶⁄₁₂ £988.16.0⁶⁄₁₂
Robert Hay of Drummelzier Rulesmains £397.13.1
Crumstain. Jock's lodge & north Quary meadow parks £201.11.3
Crumstain remainder £394.15.10
Common mires. Well park or Eastmost park £5.14.7
Common mires Well Strand parks Nos. 2 & 3 from Eastside £12.4.9⁶⁄₁₂
Common mires Boig parks Nos.4, 5, 6 & Southmost park No.8 £18.4.7
Common mires Northwest park No.7 £5.14.7
Little Dunselaw farm £73.19.2
Castleknow, Mount Hooly, Goose croft & Kincriesh parks £123.13.11⁶⁄₁₂
Kidsheil & Kidsheil haugh £213.0.5
Coldside & Fairney knows £76.16.5⁶⁄₁₂
Barrowmill farm £42.14.2
Cheeklaw town gate Crawrig. Eastcroft, Butterwells & Lochnook parks £165.17.8⁶⁄₁₂
Cheeklaw remainder with East & West Tongues £404.8.6⁶⁄₁₂
Wellnage £34.2.3⁶⁄₁₂
Baillie hill £47.2.8⁶⁄₁₂
Clockmill bank. Bleaching ground & Pouterling park £96.12.3⁶⁄₁₂
Clockmill Easter & middle parks Stance of Brewery & yards, Wester & Cammo parks £109.17.11
Carried over £2424.4.4 £988.16.0⁶⁄₁₂
Dunse Parish Continued
Brought over £2424.4.4 £988.16.0⁶⁄₁₂
Robert Hay of Drummelzier Peelrig Southmost two parks £60.8.4
Peelrig Northmost two parks £61.3.11⁶⁄₁₂
Earlsmeadow Eight Inclosures £105.4.2
Dunselaw two parks & planted ground on the top £85.3.1⁶⁄₁₂
Cruive well and pleasance parks with Tannage yard £45.1.0⁶⁄₁₂
Mainmoss & yardback parks £42.8.11⁶⁄₁₂
Puton Mill & Mill lands & Corner next Wedderburn £142.14.2
Dunsemill Thirlage & land £42.14.2
Pinkie or part Chalkielaw exchanged therefor £39.16.10⁶⁄₁₂
Newlee wester park £22.7.11
Berrywell & Trinity parks, Garden, Planting Newlee East. Mid. How & Quarry hole parks £179.18.11⁶⁄₁₂
Dunse Mains gate acres £214.16.10⁶⁄₁₂
Dunselaw Acres £197.7.11
Bridge End & Barn yard £4.13.9
Teinds of Garden at Briery baulk belonging to John Roughead. land below Easter wynd John Davidson. Parks at Pleasance Henry Home. Land near Rulesmains George Mcqueen. Barny Castle Patrick Trotter & park Southside of Common mires Mr John White £10.3.1⁶⁄₁₂
Knock farm £99.9.7
Chappel open Grounds above the parks £28.7.8⁶⁄₁₂
Carried over £3806.4.11⁶⁄₁₂ £988.16.0⁶⁄₁₂

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Dunse Parish

John Turnbull

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Dunse Parish Continued

John Turnbull

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