
Parish Proprietor Valuation Rental
Glamis parsh Valued rent Monthly Suply wthout [without] Collectors fie
The Archbishopes rent within the shyre £225.0.0 £4.6.4
The Earle of Strathmoir £2000.0.0 £38.6.8
The Laird of Claverhous £845.0.0 £16.4.0
Eister Dunune £266.13.4 £5.2.2
Cossins £200.0.0 £3.16.8
Haystoune £183.6.8 £3.10.4
Scrogerfield perteining to Brigtoune £81.0.0 £1.11.1
Walkmilne £6.13.4 £0.2.4
[Total] £3807.13.4 £72.19.7
The Earle of Strathmoir £280.0.0 £5.7.4
Innercarity £1900.0.0 £36.8.4
The Laird of Poury for the Milne of Kerrymure £700.0.0 £13.8.4
Logie Includeng Bandergs £1200.0.0 £23.0.0
Cossins for Kyntyrie £110.0.0 £2.2.2
Balfoure for reidhall hilends & auchlushie £190.0.0 £3.12.6
Ballinshoe for ballinshoe £333.6.8 £6.7.10
Glaswall £300.0.0 £5.15.0
Eister Ogill for balbegno £13.6.8 £0.5.1

Transcribe other information

[Page] 2
Presbitrie of forfar

Heir followeth the roll of the rent and monethly suply of the sherifdome of forfor made and sett doun by the commissrs [commissioners] noiatt [nominatit] & appoynted for that effect by the act of the Last conventione of Estaits holden att Egr [Edinburgh] Jarry 23, 1667 [23 Jan 1667] who haveng mett & at ther anextione given thr [their] oath of alleadgeance and for ther duty faithfully in the matter of thr [their] said administratione and signed the declatione [declaration] appoynted by the act of parliat [parliament] and used thr [their] best endeavours for a true & right Informatne [Informatione] of the whole rent of the said shyre not mortified and efter serious and mature deliberatione made and sett doun the roll following of the whole rents alsweill & asuall as other rents within the shyre and monethly suply pro portionall therunto The victuall according to the Linlithgow prick mett at the pryces subsequent being converted into money Viz wheatt at 6 ll 13 ss 4 d [£6.13.4] the boll Bear wher it is payed by itself at 4 ll 13 ss 4 d [£4.13.4] the boll and meall wher it is payed by itself at 4 ll [£4.0.0] the boll and other victuall at two pairt meall and thrie pairt bear the chalder or thrby [thereby] at 4 ll 3 ss 4 d [£4.3.4] the boll

The first Collon conteins names of the paroshes
The second heritors and others Lyable in payment of monethly Suply
The thrid ther particular rents within the sds [saids] paroshes
The fourth the monethly Suply proportionally therunto

Transcriber's notes

L.s.d. for pounds, shillings and pence, the letters being taken from the Latin librae, solidi and denarii.
The measure - Linlithgow prick mett was the standard firlot measure with a diameter of 19 1/6 inches and a Depth of 7 1/3 inches

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Dauvit- Moderator, Alison James- Moderator, jennyb