Date | Masters/mistresses names and designations | Actual # | 1 horse (10s) | 2 horses | 3-5 horses | 6 or more horses | Duty | 10% per 31 George III |
Brought forward | 161 | 112 | 20 | 12 | 17 | £98.10.0 | £9.17.0 | |
Mr Charles Robertson Factor at Dunvegan | 1 | 1 | £0.10.0 | £0.1.0 | ||||
Mr Angus Shaw at Bellmore | 1 | 1 | £0.10.0 | £0.1.0 | ||||
Mr. Kenneth McCaskil of Reidunan | 1 | 1 | £0.10.0 | £0.1.0 | ||||
Mr Alexander McLeod of Ulinish | 1 | 1 | £0.10.0 | £0.1.0 | ||||
Mr. John Grant of Struan | 1 | 1 | £0.10.0 | £0.1.0 | ||||
Colen McDonald Esqr. of Boysdale | 1 | 1 | £0.10.0 | £0.1.0 | ||||
Capt [Captain] Alexander McDonald, younger of Dr at Askerness of Boysdale | 1 | 1 | £0.10.0 | £0.1.0 | ||||
Red [Reverend] McNeel Esqr of Barra | 2 | 1 | 1 | £1.5.0 | £0.2.6 | |||
Dr. [Doctor] Robertson Inverness | 1 | 1 | £0.10.0 | £0.1.0 | ||||
Doctor Kennedy Inverness | 1 | 1 | £0.10.0 | £0.1.0 | ||||
Total Carriage & Saddle Horses | 172 | 122 | 21 | 12 | 17 | £104.5.0 | £10.8.6 |
Transcribe other information
[Page] 161page 3rd
Proof of the Abstracts as Follows
122 horses @ £0.10.0 each is £61.0.0
21 horses @ f£0.15.0 each is £15.15.0
12 horses @ £0.17.6 each is £10.10.0
17 horses @ £1.0.0 each is £17.0.0
Total for 172 horses is £104.5.0
Interest yr [year] @ 10% per 31 George III is £10.8.6
Grand Totall £114.13.6
I John Rose Surveyor aforesaid do hereby Certify that upon carefull examination
of the above duties, I find they Amount to one Hundred & fourteen pounds
Thirteen Shillings & sixpence Sterling & that upon the Twenty fourth
of November last I delivered Mr. James Grant Collector of the said duties
an exact duplicate of the above account which Contained my Oath
that the preceeding Inhabitants were duly served with requisitions
of the dates aforesaid requiring them within fourteen days to deliver
to me an attested list of their Serts [Servants] Horses & Carriages employed &
used by them from the 5th April 1792 to the 5th April 1793 & that
the above account was made up from there severall returns to me
from the best information or from my certain Knowledge of there
respective Establishments
John Rose Surveyor
Transcribers who have contributed to this page.
DANIALSAN, hugh lapham
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