
Date Masters/mistresses names and designations Actual # 1 horse (10s) 2 horses 3-5 horses 6 or more horses Duty 10% per 31 George III
Parishes Collected Brot [Brought] Over 285 188 28 51 18 £177.12.6 £17.15.3
Birse 3 3 £1.10.0 £0.3.0
Lumphanan 1 1 £0.10.0 £0.1.0
Forvie 1 1 £0.10.0 £0.1.0
Kincardine 4 4 £2.0.0 £0.4.0
Drumoak 3 2 1 £1.15.0 £0.3.6
Peter Coulter 1 1 £0.10.0 £0.1.0
Old Machar 6 5 1 £3.5.0 £0.6.6
304 205 30 51 18 £187.12.6 £18.15.3
10 P. [Per] Cent £18.15.3
205 at 10/ [£0.10.0] £102.10.0
30 [at] 15/ [£0.15.0] £22.10.0
51 [at] 17/6 [£0.17.6] £44.12.6
18 [at] 20/ [£1.0.0] £18.0.0
10 P. [Per] Cent £18.15.3

Transcribe other information

Page 14th

Aberdeen January 1795 I Charles Farquharson Surveyor aforesa [aforesaid]
do hereby Certify, that upon carefull examination of the forego [foregoing]
Rates and duties, I find they amount to one hundred & eighty
Seven pounds twelve Shillings & Sixpence Sterl. [Sterling] Likewise with
additional dutie thereon of ten P [Per] Cent eighteen pounds
ten Shillings & three pence Sterl. [Sterling] and that upon the Seventeenth
day of January 1795 I delivered to Mr John Durno Collector of
the Said duties for the Shire aforesaid, an exact duplicate [of]
the above account (as will appear from his Receipt here unto a [affixed]
duly examined and compared with the foregoing, which [con-]
tained my oath that requisitions were left with the Seve [Several]
persons before named, or at their dwelling houses, of t [the]
dates annexed to their respective Names, requiring them wi [within]
fourteen days to give in a list of their Carriage & Saddle Hors [Horses]
retained or employed by them from the 5th day of April [1793]

Transcriber's notes

Words lost in fold of page.

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Moira L- Moderator, Bizzy- Moderator