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Hearth tax transcription

[page] 20

In Captain Porteous Land -- hearths -- lib ss ds
Edward Bryce writter -- 3 --
The Landlord -- 6 -- £4.4.0

In Mr Bailies Land
Hugh smith Glover -- 2 -- £1.8.0
William Robertson souldier -- 1 --

In Archbald stirlings Land
Tuo waist Lodgings -- 9 --
Thomas Bell -- 2 -- £1.8.0
James somerwell officer -- 1 --
John Arthour -- 1 -- £0.14.0
Widdow Bruice -- 1 -- £0.14.0
Alexander stewart -- 1 -- £0.14.0
Georg Aickin belonging to bailie Carmichall -- 2 -- £1.8.0

In James Lochs Land
Archbald Black on Charitie -- 1 -- £0.0.0
Robert Haddin -- 1 -- £0.14.0
Georg Alison Mercht [Merchant] -- 3 -- £2.2.0

In Bailie Thomas Youngs Land
John Beith -- 1 -- £0.14.0
Margaret Rutherfoord -- 1 --
The Bailies oun house -- 6 -- £4.4.0

In The airs of John Cuninghams Land
Mistress Alexr [Alexander] -- 5 -- £3.10.0
Mistress Broun -- 3 -- £2.2.0

In Mr William Thomsons Land
The LandLord 6 & 3 waist -- 9 -- £6.6.0
Thomas Fisher -- 6 -- £4.4.0
Thomas Broun -- 5 -- £3.10.0
Thomas Preston -- 4 -- £2.16.0

In The Relict of James Brouns Land
David Christie -- 2 -- £1.8.0
Mistress Inglis -- 1 -- £0.14.0
William Jack -- 2 -- £1.8.0

In Thomas Fishers Land
Mistress Hay -- 3 -- £2.2.0
John seaton goldsmith -- 3 -- £2.2.0
Mr Alexander drumond writter -- 3 -- £2.2.0
John strachan writter -- 3 -- £2.2.0
Mistress dickson Millars Land -- 4 -- £2.16.0
Mr Georg Hoome Mr John Alexr [Alexanders] -- 4 --
Mr Georg Alexr [Alexander] Mr William Thomsons -- 4 -- £2.16.0

In Alexander Abercrumies Land
The LandLord -- 16 -- £11.4.0
Mr James Dalrumple & Mr William Moor Clerks -- 3 --

In James Naismeths Land
Janett Millar on Charitie -- 1 -- £0.0.0
Cristian Campbell -- 1 --
Janett Muir on Charitie -- 1 -- £0.0.0
Elspe Broun -- 1 --
Margaret drysdaill -- 1 --
Marie Lamont -- 1 --
david Kej [Key] -- 1 --
William Duncan -- 1 --
waist houses -- 3 --

[total] -- 133 -- £68.12.0

Transcriber's notes

See page 25 for an item that should have been placed on this page.

lib ss ds - pounds, shillings, pence

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Dauvit- Moderator, Caroline Macafee

  Location information for this page.