
Hearth tax transcription

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In Thomas Brouns Land -- hearths -- lib ss ds
Thomas Hunter -- 3 -- £2.2.0
a waist house -- 1 --

In James Windrums Land
Gilbert Mitchell -- 1 -- £0.14.0
Janett Duncan -- 1 --
Mr James Lawson -- 2 -- £1.8.0
Janett Bell -- 1 --
Sir Thomas Moncreiff his oun -- 5 -- £3.10.0
Georg Windrum airs of Hugh Hamiltouns -- 1 -- £0.14.0

In The airs of Stewarts Land
Georg Windrum -- 4 -- £2.16.0
Black baronrie -- 4 --
Alexander Herriott Mercht [Merchant] -- 4 -- £2.16.0
James Meinzies -- 5 -- £3.10.0
James Marjoribanks -- 5 -- £3.10.0
James Crawford -- 3 -- £2.2.0
Alexander Thomson Messr [Messenger] a sellar -- 1 --

In Walter Stewarts Land
Thomas Steivenson -- 1 --
John Smith -- 1 --
John Burn -- 2 --
David Cock -- 2 -- £1.8.0
Widdow Bookless -- 1 --
Mr Patrick Crightoun -- 5 -- £3.10.0
William Gawns -- 3 --
Kenneth McKenzie -- 2 -- £1.8.0
Thomas Edgar apothecarie -- 4 -- £2.16.0
The LandLord -- 2 -- £1.8.0
Widdow Lourie on Charitie -- 1 -- £0.0.0

In James simpsons Land
Lourance Donaldson -- 3 -- £2.2.0
Mistress simpson -- 5 -- £3.10.0
William Montgomrie -- 4 -- £2.16.0
Janett Hamiltoun -- 1 --

In Comisar Woods land
Widdow Riddell -- 1 -- £0.14.0
Hugh Couper -- 3 -- £2.2.0
Alexander Heriott a sellar -- 1 -- £0.14.0
Mistress Inglis a sellar -- 1 -- £0.14.0
Thomas Broun mistress Hamiltouns -- 2 -- £1.8.0

In Hiltouns Land
Mr John Montgomrie -- 1 -- £0.14.0
John Alexr [Alexander] watchmaker -- 1 -- £0.14.0
Mr david Moncreiff on of the CLerks -- 2 -- £1.8.0
The CLerks of the Counsell -- 2 --
Mr John Buchan -- 4 -- £2.16.0
James Hamiltoun belonging to the Laird of Murrays -- 7 -- £4.18.0

In Mistress scotts land
William Hakstoun -- 3 -- £2.2.0
William Johnstoun on Charitie -- 1 -- £0.0.0

In Robert Millns Land
a waist Lodging -- 6 -- £4.4.0
John somerwell writter -- 2 --
Thomas Hutton -- 1 -- £0.14.0

[total] -- 119 -- £67.4.0

Transcriber's notes

lib ss ds - pounds, shillings, pence

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Dauvit- Moderator, Caroline Macafee

  Location information for this page.