
Hearth tax transcription

Edr [Edinburgh] 2d Febry 1694

In presence of George Earle of Linlithgow & Alexander
Lord Raith, Lords Comissioners of their Maties [Majesties] Thery [Theasury]
Compeared Alexander McArthur Sub Collector of the Hearth
Money, in the shires of Argyll & Bute, who being solemnly
sworn deponed, That the forsaid List of Hearths contained
in this Book, Extending to six thousand Fyve hundred &
therty Nyn hearths which are payed; Is ane true & just
List, of all the hearths within the forsd [forsaid] shyres of Argyll &
Bute, to the best of his knowledge. Excepting the Hearths
of poor, and about Threescore Hearths or thereby, which
came to his knowledge after his Collection wes over, and
wes not worth his paynes, being lying discontigue
from others, through the saids shires. And also excepting
the hearths in Mull, Terrie, Coll & Ardnamurcharn
Shunart, Appin, Glencoe, Canna and Morvern, The sd [said]
Countries being in Rebellion (saveing Ardgours interest &
Lochiells, which he received & is a part of the Charge) And
that he used his outmost endeavours, Conform to the
proclamations of Councell, anent the Ingathering of Hearth
Money, to attaine to the knowledge of all the Hearths of the
said two shyres, and that he hes neither wittingly or willingly
concealed any Hearths, But hes given up the Samen truely
as Said is. And this is the truth as I shall answer to God.

[Signed] -- Linlithgow -- Allexander McArthur

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