
Hearth tax transcription

Followes the report of the whole hearths wthin [within] the presbetry of Kincarin [Kincardine]
as the samen were surveyed be the session Clerks within each paroch
therof with the concourse of the Elders who were appointed survey
-ers [surveyers], or be the heretors within such paroches where ther were no
session Clerks, and given up be them to sir John Forbes of Craigi-
-varr [Craigivarr] one of the Commissioners apointed for that effect.
-- -- hearths
Kindrocht P [Parish]
surveyed be Duncan Shaw & George Farqrson [Farquharson] conform
to their subscryved lists reported extends to -- 271

Crathie P [Parish]
surveyed be Robert Mchardy & John Shaw conform to their
lists reported to -- 230

Glenmuck P [Parish]
surveyed be Alexander Young & William Bowman Conform
to their subt [subscrivt] lists reported extends to -- 174

Glengardne P [Parish]
surveyed be Mr Arthor Farqrson [Farquharson] & John Tomes Conform
to their subt [subscrivt] lists reported Extends to -- 165

Tullich P [Parish]
surveyed be Thomas Chrystie & Alexander Fife conform to
their subt [subscrivt] lists reported amounts to -- 155

Echt P [Parish]
surveyed be William Silie & William Duncan conform to
their subt [subscrivt] lists, wt [with] concourse of alexander Duncan sess [session] Clerk is -- 317

Midmarr P [Parish]
surveyed be William Martin & James Tayleor Elders & Robertt
stewart sess [session] Clerk as per subt [subscrivt] lists extends to -- 176

Kinairnie P [Parish]
surveyed be Alexander Law & William Couts Elders & James
Davidson sess [session] Clerk as p [per] subt [subscrivt] list reported extends to -- 114

Clunie P [Parish]
surveyed be William Anderson & Alexander Hervy Elders &
Mr George Skein sess [session] Clerk as p [per] subt [subscrivt] list extends to -- 199

Lumphanan P [Parish]
surveyed be John Mackie & Alexander Ædie Elders & Mr alexander
Mathewson sess [session] Clerk as p [per] subt [subscrivt] list amounts to -- 155

Kincardne [Kindcardine] P [Parish]
surveyed be George Jonston [Johnston] and William Hunter Elders & Mr William Milne
sess [session] Clerk as p [per] subscryved list amounts to -- 386

Birse P [Parish]
surveyed be patrick strachan & Robertt Anderson Elders & Mr James
Anderson sess [session] Clerk as p [per] subt [subscrivt] list amounts to -- 205

Aboynd & Glentaner paroches
surveyed be William Turner George Farqrsone [Farquharsone] &
William Tod Elders & Mr Andrew mill sess [session] Clerk as p [per] subt [subscrivt] list amounts to -- 253

Coull P [Parish]
surveyed be William Mill & William Fife Elders & Alexander wilson sess [session]
Clerk as p [per] particular subt [subscrivt] lists reported amounts to -- 132

Coldstane & Logiemar P [Parish]
surveyed be Alexander Æson & Alexander Mcconne
Elders & John Morgan Sess [Session] Clerk as p [per] List amounts to -- 175

Tarland and Migvie paroches
surveyed be George Massie and
Robert Forbes of pittontagert Elders, and George Ross
session as p [per] list reported amounts to -- 179

Suma [Summa] of the above mentt [menttioned] hearths as they were reported by
the saids surveyers amounts to Thrie Thousand Two hundreth
and four score sex hearths -- 3286

Qherby [Quherby] their is a discovery of the number of concealed
hearths to amount to Two hundreth & seventy tuo exactly

Transcriber's notes

Numbered 3 at top left in a modern hand.
The text on the lower part of the page is written across pages 2 & 3, See page 3a for full transcription
Some blocks of text are bracketed together.
Glengardne = Glengairn
Kinairnie = Kinnernie
'Concourse' was a Scots legal term meaning 'concurrence' (Scottish National Dictionary s.v. concurse).

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Dauvit- Moderator, Caroline Macafee

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