Hearth tax transcription
I the above named Sir John Forbes being nominat by a meeting of the Commissioners who were appointed by the Lords of Privie Counsell for surveying of new the hearths within the Shyre of Aberdein to cause survey the hearths within the presbetrie of Kincardne [Kincardine], and to receive up the accotts [accomptts] of hearth mney [money] collected be the Collector and his sub collectors above named within the bounds of the said presbetrie, Doe by these pnts [presents] testify that the abovewrin [abovewritten] report both of the sd [said] Collr [Collector] & sub Collectors awrtt [above written] and of the new survey above mentt [menttioned] confirm to the abovewrin [abovewritten] Lists is just and true as the samen wes given up to me by the persons & in maner above sett doun rexive [respectively], and that such receipts as I have seen or have been reported to me and granted be the sd [said] Robertt Martin doe agrie wt [with] his chairge given in by himself, who as I am certainly informed had done diligence by ane anterior survey for discovery of the true number of hearths within the bounds aforsd [aforsaid] In testimony herof I hav subt [subscrivt] thir pnts [presents] Att Aberdein the tuenty fourth day of Febry [February] Jaj vi cs & Nyntie thrie [1693] years[Signed] Forbes off craigivar
[Page] 3A
Transcriber's notes
This image shows the text that appears across the lower parts of pages 2 & 3Numbered 3A on bottom right in a modern hand.
'Rexive' is an abbreviation for 'respective(ly)', with confusion of 'x' and 'p'.
Transcribers who have contributed to this page.
Dauvit- Moderator, Caroline Macafee
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