
Date Masters/mistresses names and designations Servants names Number of servants Bachelor servants One servant Two servants Three or more servants Duty
1786 Linlithgow Borough
6 Sep 1786 Mrs Finlayson Ann Harower 1 1 £0.2.6
Baily Watson Mary Hamilton 1 1 £0.2.6
Mr Thomas Wilkins Jeane Christy 1 1 £0.2.6
Mr Scotland Minr [Minister] Margaret Stewart 1 1 £0.2.6
Mr. Bessit Surgeon Ann Black 1 1 £0.2.6
Mr Cunningham Name not returned 1 1 £0.2.6
John Lawrie Brewer Name not returned 1 1 £0.2.6
7 Sep 1786 Baily William Napier Name not returned 1 1 £0.2.6
Mr Alexander Laing Mert [Merchant] Name not returned 1 1 £0.2.6
Mr. Alexander Bell Brewer Christian Simpson 1 1 £0.2.6
Provost Robert Clark Peggy Hunter 1 1 £0.5.0
Alexander Mitchel Stabler Name not returned 1 1 £0.2.6
Robert Cook Skinner Name not returned 1 1 £0.2.6
Baily Alexander Learmouth Elizabeth Thomson 1 1 £0.2.6
Walter Adam Mary Murray 1 1 £0.2.6
Alexander Baird Merchant Margaret Wright 1 1 £0.2.6
Mrs. Andrew Janet Stenhouse 1 1 £0.2.6
Sir William Hamilton Ann Galloway 1 1 £0.2.6
Andrew Paul Senior Name not returned 1 1 £0.2.6
Mr. Thomas School Mr [Master] Name not returned 1 1 £0.2.6
Total 21 1 20 £2.15.0
21 Servants at £0.2.6 Each £2.12.6
Bachelor 1 Servant at £0.2.6 Each £0.2.6

Transcribe other information


Linlithgow Borough Survey 87
from 5th April 1786 to 5th April 1787 p. [per] James Allan Surveyor

I James Allan Surveyor aforesaid do hereby certify that upon Carefull Examination of the
foregoing Several Rates and duties. I find they amount in Whole to Two pounds Fifteen Shilling Stg. [Sterling]
and that upon the 16th Current I delivered to Mr. William Napier Collector of the Said duties for the Borough
aforesaid an Exact duplicate of the above Account duly Examined & Compared with the foregoing which contained my
Oath that Notices were left with the foregoing Inhabitants or at their Dwelling Houses that they were to be
Charged with the Sums Set against their Several Names. James Allan Surveyor
Alloa 20th December 1786

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

DANIALSAN, Thora Walker