
Date Names and designations Actual # Dogs at 3s Dogs at 5s Duty
Inveresk Brot. forwd [Brought forward] 12 3 9 £2.14.0
Lady Hope 2 2 £0.10.0
John Hope Esqr 3 3 £0.15.0
Hugh Hope Esqr 2 2 £0.10.0
James Muir 1 1 £0.3.0
Captn. [Captain] John Stewart 1 1 £0.5.0
Mr. Meggat 1 1 £0.3.0
Martin Kilgour 1 1 £0.3.0
John Taylor 1 1 £0.3.0
Archibald Cochrane 3 3 £0.15.0
George Bourhill 1 1 £0.5.0
Robert Moir 1 1 £0.5.0
Charles Calder 1 1 £0.3.0
John Martin 1 1 £0.3.0
Thomas McMillan Esqr 2 2 £0.10.0
John Dudgean 1 1 £0.3.0
I. & H. Bourhill's 1 1 £0.5.0
Honble [Honourable] Fraser Charteris 5 5 £1.5.0
Mrs Colonel Dalrymple 1 1 £0.3.0
Colonel Colin Campbell 1 1 £0.3.0
Captn [Captain] Peter Burnet 1 1 £0.5.0
Mr. Moffat Gardner 1 1 £0.3.0
Dr [Doctor] Lindsay 1 1 £0.3.0
Thomas Bruce Wmson [Williamson] Esqr 3 3 £0.15.0
Miss Mostyne 1 1 £0.3.0
Fraser Anderson WS [Writer to the Signet] 2 2 £0.10.0
54 16 38 £11.18.0
Miss C Dalrymple 2 2 £0.10.0
Alexander Verner Farmer 1 1 £0.3.0

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