
Date Masters/mistresses names Actual # 2 wheel carts (2s) 3-4 wheel wains/wagons (4s) Duty
29 Sep 1789 Craill
Thomas Lyell 1 1 £0.2.0
David Russell 1 1 £0.2.0
David Feleniston 1 1 £0.2.0
Alaxander Henderson 1 1 £0.2.0
William Peattie 1 1 £0.2.0
David Peattie 1 1 £0.2.0
David Kay 1 1 £0.2.0
James Henderson 1 1 £0.2.0
George Brown 1 1 £0.2.0
Thomas Morres 1 1 £0.2.0
James Brown 1 1 £0.2.0
David Mitchell 1 1 £0.2.0
Philip Brown 1 1 £0.2.0
Robert Hervie 1 1 £0.2.0
Thomas Peattie 1 1 £0.2.0
James Band 1 1 £0.2.0
James Scott 1 1 £0.2.0
David Bruce 1 1 £0.2.0
18 18 £1.16.0
18 Carts at £0.2.0 Each Is £1.16.0

Transcribe other information

Crail B [Burgh] CART TAX endg [ending] 5 April 1789
by Charles Robb Sur [Surveyor]

I Charles Robb Assessor aforesaed do hereby certefy that upon careful Examination of the
foregoing Several Rates and Duties I find they Amount in whole to the sum of One Pound
Sixteen Shillings Sterlling and that upon the Twenty Eight day of November I delivered to David
Gilless Collector for the Burgh aforesaed an Exact Duplecat of the above Account duly
Examened and Compared with the foregoing which contaened My Oath that Notices were left
with the Several Inhabitants or at their Dwelling houses of the dates Annexed to their
respective Names that they were to be Charged with the Sums hereby certefied to be due
from them

Charles Robb Assessor

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