No. 13 -- CAIRNS, CISTS, ETC. -- No. 18remains in situ over the NW. corner. Along much of the
rest of the cairn there are numerous depressions, three
being particularly conspicuous. The first of these lies
some 5 ft. W. of the W. end-wall of the chamber already
described, the next some 13 ft. further W., and the third
as far again. In the last there appear what may be parts
of the side walls of a chamber about 3 ft. in width.
Without excavation it is impossible to tell how the
interior of the cairn is arranged. The comparable cairn
at Kindrochat, Perthshire was found to contain three
separate segmented cists, ¹ one corresponding in position
to the chamber near the E. end of the Stockie Muir cairn
and the others to two of the depressions W. of this. On
the other hand, the descriptions of two neighbouring
cairns (Nos. 32 and 35) suggest that the arrangement
might be a single long, segmented chamber. Much of the
disturbance of the exterior of the cairn may be recent,
but that the cairn might have provided both material
and a site for an Iron Age dwelling is suggested by the
discovery of the broken upper stone of a rotary quern in
the debris at the E. end. ²
479812 -- NS 48 SE ("Cairn") -- 5 July 1955
13. Mound, Meikle Caldon. The conspicuous summit
of the isolated hill known as Meikle Caldon, 790 yds.
ESE. of Aucheneck House, attains an elevation of
602 ft. O.D. It is crowned by a grass-covered mound,
about 30 ft. in diameter and 2 ft. 6 in. high, which may
be a dilapidated Bronze Age cairn.
493830 -- NS 48 SE (unnoted) -- 24 March 1954
14. Cairn, Cairnhall. This cairn is situated at an
elevation of 480 ft. O.D. in the rickyard of Cairnhall
farm, half a mile NE. of Balfron. It measures 30 ft. in
diameter, stands to a height of 5 ft., and is covered with
grass through which a few boulders protrude.
554899 -- NS 58 NE ("Cairn", in ordinary type)
8 October 1952
15. Cairn, Todholes. This cairn is situated on open
moorland (850 ft. O.D.) 1100 yds. NNE. of Todholes
farmhouse and 200 yds. SE. of the SE. corner of a large
sheepfold. It consists of a grass-covered mound of stones
which stands to a height of 8 ft. and measures about 55 ft.
in diameter. Two large boulders which lie at the foot of
the mound to the S. may represent the remains of a
peristalith. Three small holes caused by quarrying or by
excavation appear on the surface of the cairn.
677870 -- NS 68 NE (unnoted) -- 15 September 1952
16. Cist, Bridge of Allan (Site). It is recorded ³ that a
cist containing a skeleton and an urn was found during
the digging of foundations for a house then known as
Annfield, but now renamed Lentran, ⁴ in Kenilworth
Road, Bridge of Allan.
798973 -- NS 79 NE (unnoted) -- 28 October 1957
17. Cist, Airthrey (Site). Three fragments of a Cinerary
Urn, which are now in the Hunterian Museum, are
there labelled as having come from a cist at Airthrey in
c. 8096/8196 -- NS 89 NW (unnoted)
18. Cists, Cambusbarron (Sites). The discovery is
recorded above (Introduction, p. 22) of a Beaker, Food
Vessels and Cinerary Urns in the area lying between
the village of Cambusbarron and the King's Park. The
following five cists have been recorded from this region.
(i) In Coneypark Nursery. This cist was situated
+within a gravel mound and contained a skeleton. ⁵
c. 783926 -- NS 79 SE (unnoted)
(ii) In the garden of Birkhill House. This cist contained
bones and an urn which measured 5 in. in height and
6 in. in diameter, and was ornamented with zig-zag lines.
The description suggests that it may have been a Food
Vessel. ⁶
c. 780926 -- NS 79 SE (unnoted)
(iii) In a "rising ground on the west side of" Birkhill
House. No details were published. ⁷
c. 779926 -- NS 79 SE (unnoted)
(i++++v) In a sand-pit adjoining Douglas Terrace. An urn
from this cist was taken to the Smith Institute, Stirling,
in a broken condition. ⁸
c.782929 -- NS 79 SE (unnoted)
(v) In Birkhill Sand-Pit. A partially destroyed cist was
found in the pit; no relics were reported. ⁹
c. 779925 -- NS 79 SE (unnoted)
1 P.S.A.S., lxv (1930-1), 281.
2 Information from Mr. J. G. Scott, Glasgow Museums
and Art Galleries, who found the stone and has deposited it at
3 P.S.A.S., vii (1866-8). 523.
4 Information from Mr. R. Swift, Bridge of Allan.
5 T.S.N.H.A.S., i (1878-9), 13.
6 Ibid., ii (1879-80), 48.
7 Ibid.
8 Ibid., xxix (1906-7), 81.
9 Ibid., 80.
-- 62
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