No. 36 -- CUP-AND-RING MARKINGS -- No. 43said that it was made of gravel and measured 60 yds. in
length from E. to W. by 14 ft. in height. Under it there
were found a great many "coffins of stone", placed in a
row and separated from one another by single slabs.
Each coffin contained an urn filled with earth and
cremated bones.
This cairn seems to have been similar to the pair
described under No. 32.
c. 5679 -- NS 57 NE (unnoted) -- 10 November 1955
36. Chambered Cairn, Cameron Muir. The site of
this cairn is marked on the O.S. map nearly one mile
ESE. of Wester Cameron farmhouse, at a height of
450 ft. O.D. The only recognisable part of the structure
that now remains is a large, flat boulder protruding
through the turf. Descriptions appear in the New
Statistical Account and in the Ordnance Survey Name
Book. ¹ The latter states that a cairn "was removed about
30 years ago by Mr. Buchanan who found within it 2
stone coffins containing some human bones". The date of
demolition was about 1830. It is also recorded ² that the
cairn was originally a heap of large stones which
measured about 20 paces in length by about 10 in breadth,
and that a row of cists was found in it. The dimensions
given accord closely with those of the cairn on Stockie
Muir (No. 12), one mile to the SE., while a third such
structure lies on Gallangad Muir, Dunbartonshire, one
mile to the SW. The description of the interior recalls
those of the cairns at Strathblane (No. 35) and Craig-
maddie Muir (No. 32).
469827 -- NS 48 SE -- 5 July 1955
37. Cairn, Queenzieburn (Site). The cairn that
formerly stood about 600 yds. E. of Chapelgreen has
now vanished. ³ This name does not appear on the latest
edition of the O.S. map, but the site must have been
near Queenzieburn. An urn and ashes are said to have
been found in the cairn.
c. 700775 -- NS 77 NW -- 21 May 1953
38. Cairn, Muir of Killearn (Site). It is recorded ⁴ that
a large cairn containing a cist, situated on the Muir of
Killearn, was demolished in the 18th century. The
location of this monument is unknown.
39. Cists, Waterhead (Sites). No traces now remain of
the cists that are reported to have been discovered ⁵ near
the standing stones described under No. 61.
c. 657839 -- NS 68 SE (unnoted) -- 21 April 1954
40. Cist, Mains of Buchlyvie (Site). Close to the S.
side of the road from Kippen to Buchlyvie (A811),
200 yds. S. of Mains of Buchlyvie farmhouse, there is a
natural mound which measures 180 ft. in length from
E. to W., 120 ft. in breadth, and 18 ft. in height. It is
recorded ⁶ that a stone cist containing human bones was
found in it.
585942 -- NS 59 SE (unnoted) -- 14 October 1952
41. Cairn, "Fairy Knowe", Kippen (Site). It was
recorded in 1870 that "a tumulus near to the railway
line was lately opened, and in it was found 'an auld can'
and some coins". ⁷ In another account, ⁸ the tumulus is
said to have been locally known as the "Fairy Knowe",
but it has not been possible to obtain more precise
information about its location.
NS 69 NW or NE (unnoted)
42. Cup-and-ring Marking, King's Park, Stirling.
This marking ⁹ occurs on a natural rock near the crest
of the steep craggy slope that borders the King's Park
along its SW. side. It is situated 45 yds. E. of a seat
which overlooks Douglas Terrace to the SSE. The rock
is now completely overgrown with turf except for an
area measuring 2 ft. 6 in. by 1 ft. 6 in. On this flat surface
there is a cup 1 1/2 in. in diameter and half an inch deep
surrounded by a ring 5 in. in diameter, one inch wide and
a quarter of an inch deep. There has been a second outer
ring, measuring about 9 in. in diameter, but it has
suffered more severely than the rest from weathering and
its outline is now only faintly visible.
783930 -- NS 79 SE (unnoted) -- 22 February 1958
43. Cup-and-ring Markings, Castleton. It has not
been possible to identify the sandstone rock in the
"Gosham Park", on the estate of Carnock, which is said
to have borne "a few much weathered cups with con-
centric rings". ¹⁰ The park in question lies about a
quarter of a mile E. of Castleton farmhouse, but a
careful search of the many rock outcrops which it
contains has proved fruitless.
c. 8588 -- NS 88 NE (unnoted) -- 30 August 1955
1 Vol. viii (Stirlingshire), 106; Drymen parish, 108.
2 History (1880 ed.), i, 57.
3 Stat. Acct., xviii (1796), 214, 295.
4 Ibid., xvi (1795), 122.
5 Strathendrick, 259.
6 Stat. Acct. xviii (1796), 329.
7 P.S.A.S., ix (1870-2), 36.
8 T.S.N.H.A.S., vi (1883-4), 20.
9 Ibid., xxiii (1900-1), 91.
10 P.S.A.S., xxx (1895-6), 209.
-- 65
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