

[Page] 98
[continued from page 97]

most unlikely to be attempted in the near future
In that Hitler has failed conspicuously.
Meanwhile daily and nightly he vents his
wrath on London, where the people carry on
with most marvellous coolness & bravery.
thousands, or millions sleeping night after night
in ‘tube’ stations, or shelters. Though many
buildings of note. hospitals, churches, and tons
of workmen’s houses, have been destroyed
besides many more substantial buildings in the
centre, I am told by people who have been there
that you notice little damage as you
go from street to street. Nightly in Germany
and the occupied countries across the
channel, the R.A.F. [Royal Air Force] by bombing Military
objectives are dealing much more deadly
blows. Here we continue to be left in
peace. At rare intervals our sirens
wail out their dismal warnings and
more rarely a bomb drops. A few weeks
ago in one evening – a whiskey bonded store
near the Haymarket was burned out, and
a tenement in a working class quarter of
new houses near Crewe toll was destroyed
and two children killed. But beyond that
we have had nothing to alarm us.

Mary is now Coy. Sergt. Major [Company Sergeant Major] and changes
in the officer staff, and consequent reorganisation,
have brought about happier conditions for her.
Life is of course greatly modified by the
constant military activities and restrictions.
Rationing has restricted the supplies of cer:
:tain commodities, most noticeably of sugar,
and butter. Meat is rationed, but we get
quite as much as we require. Eggs are a
scarcity; and after 1st. Dec. are to cost 4d. Each
this of course due to the cutting off of
our continental supplies.
Jim, Chrissie, and I went last month for a
fortnight’s holiday to the hotel at Nethy Bridge
The Management own a farm, so butter,
chickens etc were abundant, and we hardly
felt the effects of rationing. As everywhere
else, the district was full of troops, as the
army gathers its strength for an ultimate
offensive on the continent. Meantime
the Axis powers are thrusting out towards
the S. [South] east and at the moment absorbing
Roumania. But it cannot be well with
Hitler’s army! It has remained inactive
for months, and during that period the
‘blitzkrieg’ has effected nothing. The British
[continued on page 99]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Moira L- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson