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[continued from page 8]

in accordance with the information he
learned from Prof. [Professor] Rattigen in Berlin.
I have now mounted five boxes, or cases,
of gold objects, and uncommon well they
Mr A. J. Balfour having learned that I
had observed much of interest on Traprain
Law invited me to Whittinghame to stay
over Sunday, and yesterday I had the
pleasure of pointing out to him and his
party the remarkable defences that exist on
the hill. I was very pleased to have
an opportunity of making Mr Balfour's ac:
:quaintance, also that of his charming sister,
who keeps house for him. Though I was
somewhat nervous at the thought of discussing
anything with one of the keenist wits in the
country, my fears were foundless as I found
him exceedingly pleasant, and quite unversed
in my subject, in which, nevertheless, he took
some interest. He gave me permission
to conduct excavations on Dunpenden, as
the hill was called of old, and to present
any relics found, worth having, to the
Museum. Further he presented the museum
with a fine mould for bronze flat axes

which has been long coveted, and Miss Balfour
gave me an old lantern and a curious glass
At the last meeting of the Council I applied
for various additions to the staff, extra, or
rather new, window cases, and to have the
museum opened to the public on Sunday after:
:noon Some weeks ago I had
a jeweller in to wash the filth from the
gold exhibits, using only soap and water.
The result was marvellous as for years these
precious relics had been exposed every night
on open trays, in a dirty strong room, where
dust lay thick on every thing.
Today I have had locks fitted to all our
charter boxes, so that in future all valuable
mss. [manuscripts] may be under proper supervision.
I also have the cupboards containing the
mss. [manuscripts] kept locked, and the keys kept in
the key drawer. There has been no proper
control in the place for years!.

1st February 1914
In a matter of a week or two now I should have
finished the collection with the catalogue,
and then I must frame a report on the
condition of the Museum. It will require delicate
treatment if I am to spare Dr. [Doctor] Anderson, as I
[continued on page 10]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Moira L- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson, Bizzy- Moderator