

Page 76
[continued from page 75]

Chrissie and Isabella was presented by
Mrs Baillie. Their majesties shook hands
with everyone and the presentation was
not at all a formidable performance,
though some of the women folk were osten:
:sibly nervous. After passing out of the
presence we sat down in the entrée room,
& watched for a time the throng passing
forward in a continuous line along one
side of the room. Jim stood on the exit
side as an archer, too conscious of
the humorous side of his service as shown
by the smile playing about the corners of his
mouth. All classes were there from duchesses
onwards. As I left the presence
the Duke of Atholl drew me aside to tell
me that the King and Queen would
visit the Royal Scottish Museum on the
following day to see the Traprain Silver,
which has now been restored, & which I
have borrowed for exhibition there for a
period of 6 months. The visit was to
be a very hurried one as it was to be followed
by a visit to the Castle. Mrs Macfie
kindly lent us her car to take us to Holyrood
& back & we were thus saved the great

expense that many people were put to. The
taxi hirers charging 3 or 4 guineas for the after:
:noon while a horse drawn cab could not
be got under two. The visit to the Museum
was to take place about 11.30. George Mac:
:donald as representing the Department
joined me. About a quarter to twelve the Royal
car drew up to the side of the pavement, & I
bolted down the steps, but before I got to the
foot the Queen was one or two steps up
followed by the King. The Duke of Atholl pre:
:sented me, and both shook hands. We
proceeded to the stair in the North West corner
of the Main Hall the King all the time asking
me questions about the Treasure & its finding,
& thus we made our way to the cases in the
middle of the North Gallery. I had ordered
the doors to be closed when the Royal
party arrived, but I was requested to
allow the people to come freely in. Mr
Ward stood by & opened the cases, & I
took out the most interesting pieces for
their Majesties to handle. Both were
greatly interested & appreciative. At the
suggestion of the Duke a visit was paid
to the British Hall where the Bird groups
[continued on page 77]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Moira L- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson, DANIALSAN