

Page 73
[continued from page 72]

motor vehicles & assemble them in Hyde Park
which they closed to the public. A milk collection
& distribution was organised & arrangements
for feeding the people completed. In the "Rembrandt"
we hardly experienced any shortage & before
the strike was over the milk supply was better
than it had been before. The only inconvenience
we experienced was in getting about. Buses
were crowded where they started from, and
it was very difficult to room on one en
route. Taxi's were scarce. Every one who
could was helping. Crowds of men & women
volunteered & took up jobs of one sort or another,
people with cars took pity on those who had
none, & it was a common sight to see a
car filling up with odd women who had
to get to some distant point of the city, or
the suburbs, where their days work was
done. Before the end of the week many trains
were being run by volunteers, & a fair service
was going on the Tube. I went into Town
once or twice by it. The way the public took
the strike was splendid. No panic & every:
:one determined that such a high handed
attempt on the part of one small section of
the community to hold the country to

ransom must be frustrated, and it was! On
Sunday 4th Oct. a settlement was effected, and on
the Tuesday morning Jocelyn & I returned North
having quite a comfortable journey.
Since my return I have had some trouble in
the Museum with a certain keeper who caused
my predecessor much annoyance. We require
an assistant for the Art department. After
much search & enquiry I heard of the very man
for the post & put matters in train to get him
appointed. My "friend" took upon himself to call
a meeting of officers & sent me a protest in
the ground that all appointments had to be
by limited competition & should got to the men holding
university degrees. I learned that Dr [Doctor] G. had
been originally thrust into the Museum by
influence & without examination & I knew
that the other keeper concerned had no degree
I made myself as unpleasant as I have
ever done to anyone & now all goes happily.
How long the happiness will last remains to be
seen, but if more trouble arises I feel quite
competent to deal with it!
Sandy has been appointed to the 2nd. Gordons &
is at present near Dublin.
[continued on page 74]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Moira L- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson, DANIALSAN