

[Page] 59
[continued from page 58]

flowers & figures, done with the point of a diamond.
Another of the trio, also with an air spiral stem, is
still, perhaps, the most beautiful glass I possess.
Three glasses with baluster stems cost me 9d each
in Rose St. Rarely did I pay more than 10/- for
a specimen. Recently I learned that glasses had
risen in value to an enormous amount, so when
in London Jocelyn & I made enquiries at the shop
of a man Goodholmes, off Oxford St. who advertised
largely in the “Connoisseur.” A sweetmeat glass of a
type which I owned five of I found marked £25,
so I bethought me of disposing of my duplicates.
I did not care to trust them to a strange dealer for
his offer and on mentioning the matter to Lord
Carmichael, whom I saw in town, he at once vol:
:unteered to act as broker for me. On taking the
pieces to Mr Goodholmes that crafty personage
at once “crabbed” them & made an offer of £10 piece
Carmichael naturally refused and made enquiries
elsewhere, at length getting into touch with Mr
Churchill, whose offer of £60 I have related
already. The transaction I have now com:
:pleted disposes of 23 glasses which have cost
me in all £15.0.3d. for a price of £476 Stg [Sterling] !!
Nor am I deprived of the most beautiful
specimens in my collection though he has

taken most of the largest, and presumably the scarcest,
with the exception of one or two which I declined to
part with. A note of the prices I gave originally and
what I have obtained & worth recording.
Original price Price obtained
Tall glass with baluster stem 30/- in 1907 £60}
Glass bought from a Dutchman in 1906 3/6} baluster stems.} } £100
Bought from Miss Begbie in 1907. 9d} }
A small common looking glass, bot. [bought] in Dumfriess 1912 - 2/9d £4
A cut sweetmeat bot. [bought] in Blaikies for 7/6d £20
“Whig glass” Duke William in a Bumper” 5/- £90
4 Small sweetmeat glasses with dentelles round the lip £48
A baluster stemmed glass bot. [bought] from [Bu Ho] 5/- £12
A cut glass candlestick. 7/6d, I think. £12
A baluster stemmed glass bot. [bought] in 1900 for 9d £10
A large stemmed, straight sided goblet on a
domed base. ? [“AHoggan”] glass bot. [bought] in
Dowell’s for 12/6d £15
A drawn tavern glass with a pressed, reticulated
bowl bot. [bought] 3 years ago 12/6d £10
A glass with white spiral& blue edge to spiral 17/6d £20
A sweetmeat glass bot. [bought] about 1902 from
Market Drayton for 5/6 £25
A sweetmeat glass with cut bowl, stem 7 base, 35/- £20
another with a rather ugly baluster stem 15/6 £12.
A tall sweetmeat glass 14/6. £20.
A glass with a “ball” baluster stem. 15/-. £10.
[continued on page 60]

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