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[continued from page 4]

eight or nine shillings asked and carried
them off in my pocket. A leisurely consider:
:ation of my new treasures disclosed to
me the fact of their being pocket dials,
the one a quadrant by [blank] and
the other an armillary dial by J. Coggs.
Knowing that John Findlay of "The Scotsman"
was a collector of such objects I enquired
of him their value. As he was anxious
to possess the pair he volunteered to
take the opinion of Webster, a well known
London dealer, and to make me an
offer at his valuation. Tonight I have
received a note from Findlay enclosing
a cheque for £15 being £10 for the quadrant,
and £5 for the other! This deal has
enabled me to buy a first-class second
-hand camera for nothing!!

11th July.
I have now had nearly three weeks resid:
:ence in the museum. and as far as my
own premises are concerned, have ef:
:fected a considerable change. A woman
now attends twice a week in the early morning,
and thoroughly sweeps and dusts my room,
which with its fresh paint, & carpet, and
walls hanging with my pictures, is quite

unrecognisable. The staff who used to com:
:mence the day's work at 10.0 have now
all to be at their posts at 9.15. George
Archibald the library attendant who has
slept away twenty years of his life under the
old regime, took rather badly to the ar:
:rangement at first, and broke down on
the second day, I suppose from stress of
work, as I had decreed that some portions of
the library must be dusted by him every
day. Now the machine is running smoothly,
we are to have a gang of women in to scrub
the floors once a month instead of once a
year! The amount of rubbish & dirt we
have got rid of is amazing and there is
still much to follow it. The latest innovations
are a loose leaf minute book into which in
future all our minutes will be typed, and
a letter filing cabinet with a subject card
index, wherein we shall preserve a record of
all our correspondence and of much more
besides, as the loan of blocks, slides &c.
A week ago, Mr. Symington Grieve, with whom
we had had some disagreement regarding
a paper he had written a few years ago,
called on me at the museum and
[continued on page 6]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Moira L- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson, Bizzy- Moderator