

[Page] 122
[continued from page 121]

order to preserve some record of the long
association of the Curle family with Melrose
and to increase considerably the amenity
of the Abbey I proposed to my sisters and
the members of the next generation, that
we should acquire from Jim’s trustees the
acre of ground in Priorwood, lying to the
north of ‘Matie’s’ burn and the area
of the gardens and present them to the
Ministry of works to be added to the
Abbey enceinte in the family name. The
proposal was readily taken up by the
family and the Ministry of works will be
delighted if the transfer can be accomplished.
The matter is simplified by the action of
the Board of Health as planning Authority
in prohibiting building on the site,
The area amounts to a little over 4 acres,
The weather this autumn has been phenomen:
:ally vile, crops rotted on the ground: it has
been cold with early snow on the hills, and
as a sample – every day this week from
Sunday to today (Friday, has been a
wet one!

22nd Feb. 1947
How dreadfully remiss I have been in
writing up my journal when several momentous
[continued on page 122a Right hand Page]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Jane F Jamieson