

[Page] 99
[Continued from page 98]

7' or 8' while the counterscarp varies on these
sides from 4' to 6': elsewhere both sides are
lower. Except on the N. [North] where the foreground is
flat and wet there is an outer mound above
the counterscarp. The main entrance has
been in the NE [North East] angle 8' wide opening into a
circular hollow around which the ground
rises to a height of from 4' to 6'. There is a
break in the periphery towards the SE [South East]
but on the adjacent sides of the rampart much
material has been thrown up evidently from
the widening or formation of the gap the original
character of which is thus open to doubt. The
interior is not level & the rock which is near
the surface in many places outcrops.

[Opposite page - photograph inserted]

Cist "King Shaw's Grave"
Situated on ground which rises slightly
above the marshy area on the top of Bankhead
Hill known as Airdswood Moss is a short
cist complete except for the slab forming one
end. It lies with its longest axis NE [North East] and SW [South West]:
is formed with two slabs on one side, a single
slab on the other, a slab between them at the SW. [South West]
end and a cover. The length of the side slab
is 4'; the width between the sides 2', the height
exposed between the cover and the ground
2'.6": the superficial area of the cover 4'.3" by 2'.10"

[Continued on page 100]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Trevor J Graham