

[Page 38]

"Mote" The Orchard Glencairn Par. [Parish]
Close beside the railway on its W. [West] side about 1/4 m. [mile] E by S [East by South] of Boreland is
a large circular entrenched earthwork. It is
situated on low lying ground opposite a loop
of the Cairn water which flows by at its nearest
point some [--] yds. [yards] distant. The ground has
a natural from the W. [West] towards the centre of
the construction which has been raised little
above the dead level as it exists to N. [North] and S. [South].
A central circular plateau measuring 97' by 106' around the edge of
which there appears to have been stone work
has been surrounded by a rather flat-
bottomed trench, soft underfoot, measuring
from 23' - 26 ft. [feet] in breadth. Beyond this rises a massive
rampart some 5'.6" ft. [feet] in height towards the
higher ground on the W. [West] but 5' on the E. [East]
and at the highest point rather flat on
the crest. Outside of this is a second
encircling ditch some 40' in width across the top and 7' and 10 ft. [feet] deep below scarp
and counterscarp respectively on the W. [West]
and - 5' - on the E. [East] This ditch is for
the most part wet and possibly for the purpose
of flooding it there is a break in the continuity
of the outer scarp towards the NNW. [North North West] and
the inner mound in the same direction is
reduced to a level of about 1' above the present
bottom of the ditch and is lower that the level of

[Continued on page 39]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, noho