

[Page 33]
[Continued from page 32]

[Opposite page - sketch inserted]

follows :- viro virtulibus ut fortunis
Beato patri sus benignissimo
Stephano Laurio a Maxweltoun
Mnemosynon hoc lapidem
(? fili)us exposuit
Obiit 14 ----bris MDCXXXVII. [1637]
Built into the E [East] wall of the churchyard is a
panel with the incised inscription
"There is no obtaining the prize of happiness
without running the race of holiness"
The date is probably late 17th or early 18th century

[Margin] (Omit)

Lying displaced at the E [East] end of the churchyard
against the burying ground of Alexander Smith of
Lawn is an oblong panel bearing emblems which
I have not previously met with. The stone is un:
:dated and merely bears incised initials. A
sketch is on the opposite page. The stone measures
2'.9 1/2" by 1'.9".
Near the centre of the site of the old church
is a table stone measuring 5'.6 1/2" by 2'.
inscribed :- Here lyes James Bennoch shot dead
by Col. [Colonel] Douglas and Livingstons dragoons at
Engleston for adhereing to the word of God
Christs Kingly government in his house and the
covenanted work of Reformation against tyranny
perjury and prelacy Apr. [April] 28 1685 Rev. [Revelations] 12. 11.

[Continued on page 34]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, noho