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[Continued from page 2]

whose plan the further necessary details can
be obtained.
We are having wonderful weather and
though there has been an occasional shower
I have not been stopped by rain one day
since I commenced this year. Dumfries
is a pleasing place and thunder clouds
hanging about it as they have done for
some days don't make the air any more
invigorating. The Woodbank Hotel is
moderate & comfortable enough but a de:
:pressing place with few visitors in it.

Mote of Dumfries
Before finally describing this site I must
consult Dr. [Doctor] George Neilson who has much
information about it.
The Mote House is a large building for:
:merly a dwelling house and now connected
with the Dumfries Academy situated between
[--] St. and the Nith immediately to the N. [North]
of that institution. It is situated on an
eminence, apparently natural, sloping up
from the Northwards, with a high steep
bank towards the river and a retaining
wall where the
flank has been cut back for the roadway
on the E. [East]. Within the grounds of this Mansion

[Continued on page 4]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, DANIALSAN, noho