

[Page] 18

[Opposite page - sketch inserted]

(This conjunction was on several occasions
observed in Sutherland.) The cairns
of this group vary from 12' to 19' in
diameter, several measuring 16'. They number
at least a dozen and are at an elevation of
800' over sea level. At the N. [North] edge of the
plateau is a distinct hut foundation
with a circular chamber at one end meas:
:uring 11' over all, and apparently an oblong
compartment attached to it, across the outer
end of which a short length of walling for a
butt or shelter has recently been built

Bogrie Moor
About 1/2 m. [mile] to the N. [North] at the head of a
secluded valley which opens out towards the
farm of Bogrie is another group of small
cairns. The region is very desolate and
the heather clad ground on which they
are situated bristles with rocks and boulders,
yet near to the cairns are the remains of
large enclosures in the centre of one of which
is traceable the foundations of a rectangular
oblong structure much overgrown measur:
:ing over all some 29' by 19' probably the
ruins of a turf cabin on a stone base.
The largest of the cairns which rises a
grey mass from the heather at the S. [South] side

[Continued on page 19]

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