

[Page] 121
[Continued from page 120]

side of a railed enclosure the burial place of the
Fogo family is the upper half of a slab 2'.5" in
length, 1' in breadth and 5 1/2" in thickness on
the front of which is incised a round headed
cross, set on a shaft with a bulb-like expan:
:sion 1 1/2" below the head. The head contains
a figure of eight rays, formed by a St. Andrews
Cross superimposed upon a ?Greek Cross
within a double concentric circle.

[Opposite page - sketch enclosed]

This Cross is illustrated in Armstrong's Liddesdale.
Mr. Watson has more detailed measurement of it
also notes of two other slabs incised one with
a sword and the other with a dagger built
into the churchyard wall on either side
of the entrance.

Langholm Par. [Parish] Barntalloch Mote.
This mote, the site of the castle of Barntalloch,
is a natural eminence occupying the
angle formed by the junction of the
[--] Burn with the Esk near the site
of the village of Stapilgordon and about
2 miles N. [North] by W. [West] of the town of Langholm.
The hillock lies parallel with the river rising
gradually in elevation from the SW. [South West] for
a length of [--] with a point its highest elevation
projecting from the NE. [North East] end towards the E. [East]. The flanks of this
projection rise to a height of over 100' over the

[Continued on page 122]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Trevor J Graham