

[Page] 119

Fort. Castle Oer.
About 3/4 m. [mile] NNW. [North North West] of Castle Oe'r house at the bottom
of a small natural amphitheatre over the upper
side of which passes the road to Eskdalemuir is
a semicircular entrenchment resting on the
edge of the right bank of the Esk which flows by
some 20' below. The enceinte is a semicircular
plat of very low elevation, overlooked from all
points except the direction of the river,

[Margin] check figs [figures]

with a chord of some 200' and a radius of 85' or thereby
with no indication of a parapet mound it is
surrounded by an inner trench some 3' to 4'
in depth and 13' in width, a concentric rampart
some 5' in height and 18' in breadth at base
with an outer trench beyond 15' broad and
3' deep having, in places, a slight mound on
the counterscarp. Towards the N. [North] for some
60' the outer trench appears to have been filled
up. At an elevation some [--] ft. [feet] higher there
passes around the amphitheatre a terrace
some [--] ft. [feet] broad changing to a trench where
it makes a return at either side towards
the river. Part of the central area has
been broken away at the edge of the bank
by the erosion of the river and in the
section is exposed in places what appears
to be a clay floor immixed with charcoal

[Continued on page 120]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Trevor J Graham