

[Page] 87
[Continued from page 86]

form an ellipse measuring interiorly some 192'
by 142'. It has been surrounded by a trench
with apparently a wall formed of large blocks
above the scarp and a stout rampart on the
counterscarp. The trench has a breadth at bottom
of from 10' to 12' and along the steeper W. [West] side
it has a steep scarp varying in height to
about 12' at highest. Where the lines cross
the summit at the S [South] end they are somewhat
difficult to determine. At the N. [North]
end the building above the scarp is clearly traceable
At this end about 40' in front of the main
defence there is a hollow lying parallel
which appears to be an out-work and another
somewhat similar hollow is carried along the
edge of the summit in continuance of the
line of the trench indefinitely beyond the main enclosure.
Over the interior occur a number of
hollows, circular and irregularly oblong,
from 1' to 2' in depth and varying in dimensions,
a typical circular hollow measuring some 15' in
diameter, and an oblong one 30' by 13'. Most
of these show signs of building on the sides
and have probably been habitations .
Commencing about 50' to the S. [South] of the
S. [South] end of the vallum on the W. [West] there

[Continued on page 88]

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