

[Page] 70
[Continued from page 69]

to summit is about 12' and its slopes are not
uniform in their gradient which is [in] all cases
an easy one. The contour is irregular and
there are no sure indications of defences.
It is a doubtful site though its summit at the
broad end looks as if it had been levelled.
The extreme length is 82': the breadth at the
ENE [East North East] end 32' and at the W SW [West South West] 50'.

Buittle Par [Parish]
Meikle Knox Fort.
The site of this fort is on a shoulder slightly
to the N. [North] of the summit of a broad backed
hill to the N. [North] of Meikle Knox farm. The fort
has been much destroyed by cultivation
but appears to have consisted of a double
segmental entrenchment with an intervening
rampart probably resting at either end on a steep
bank with a long slope to the NW. [North West] but not
now actually traceable to it.
The construction is too
fragmentary for measurement.

Buittle Courthill
In a dense wood at the N. [North] end of the Ramshaw
wood at Courthill the O. S. [Ordnance Survey] indicates a fort.
Though at one spot there is a slight stony
mound which might be the remains of a ram:
:part & here & there a suggestion of a terrace
there are no definite remains.

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.
