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[Continued from page 67]

have borne are likewise obliterated by
agricultural operations. The interior appears to
have measured some 200' by 140' with its longest
axis NNE. [North North East] and SSW [South South West].

Borgue Par [Parish]
Mote Hill Conchieton (Site)
This site noted by Mr. Coles close to the high
road to the NE. [North East] of Conchieton has been so
reduced in the course of cultivation as to render
it quite indescribable. Facing the roadway on
the N. [North] is a curving bank which has a
somewhat regular & artificial looking scarp
some 6' to 8' in height but elsewhere all signs
of defences have been obliterated.

Twynholm Par. [Parish]
The Doon.
The Doon is a fort now very indefinite
occupying the S. [South] end of the summit of a
prominent hill situated ΒΌ m. [mile] W. [West] of Twynholm
village & 325 ft. [feet] over sea level. There is a central disc with a
slight bank around it measuring some 78'
from N. [North] to S. [South] by 82' from E [East] to W [West]. Towards
the S. [South] of this there are faint indications of a
double trench with an intervening rampart
the whole measuring 101' across , while
towards the N. [North] there are the remains of a
trench about 30' wide. Around the edge of
the summit from S [South] to S W. [South West] is a well defined
scarp some 6' in height. An old dyke and
trench cross the centre of the summit from

[Continued on page 69]

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