

[Page] 66
[Continued from page 65]

seen indicating some indefinite construction.
At the S.W. [South West] end of the enceinte the defences
are indistinct.

Borgue Par [Parish]
Mote Hill Boreland.
This mote hill is situated about ¼ m. [mile] NNW. [North North West]
of Boreland farm, formed from one of the many
eminences which characterise the undulating
landscape of this region. From its summit
it commands a wide extent of country
all around except towards the NW. [North West] where
near at hand two higher hills obscure the view.
The rocky hillock which forms the basis
of the mote has been quarried and shaped
into a truncated cone, somewhat oval
on plan surrounded at base by a deep
trench with a formidable rampart on the
counterscarp. It has been steeply scarped
all round to an angle of about 45° with
the usual slight convexity on the slope, and
has a vertical height varying from 18' on the
N. [North] to 21' on the S [South]. The summit measures
118' from N [North] to S [South] by 80' from E. [East] to W. [West] and is
slightly concave to the E [East] of the centre.
At the N [North] end at the edge & directly opposite the highest point of the counterscarp of the ditch is a stony mound
rising a foot or so above the general level
and measuring 10' in diameter. The
surrounding ditch has a [an] average

[Continued on page 67]

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