
Transcriber's notes

line 1 - missing distance is 200 yards (see the 'Fifth Report and Inventory of Monuments and Constructions in Galloway, Volume 2, County of the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright' (1914)).


[Page] 65

About [--] yds. [yards] to the E. [East] of Cumstounend
farm and a short distance to the N. [North] of
the road from Kirkcudbright to Gatehouse
is a long gravel ridge lying with its main
axis N E [North East] and S W. [South West] on which are the remains of
defences. On the N W. [North West] side the ridge has an
elevation of 15' and [a] steep slope from the top of
which the level dips across the summit to
the SE. [South East] flank which presents an artificially
steepened scarp some 10' in vertical height.
The N E. [North East] end of the fort has been formed by
the cutting across the ridge, for the most part
through rock, of a trench 10' wide measured
across the flat bottom
and 8' in depth below the crest
of the scarp. This trench opens on the steep
bank on the N W. [North West] side and does not seem
to have continued along the flanks. The
summit measures some 156' in length
by 78' in breadth. At its NE. [North East] end above
the trench is a broad stony rampart and
along the SE. [South East] side some 9' in from the
edge of the scarp & parallel with it there are indications
of a mound probably to counteract the
fall of the summit level in that direction.
Over the summit generally ridges may be

[Continued on page 66]

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