

[Page] 46
[Continued from page 45]

The O.S. [Ordnance Survey] marks "Bruce's Wa's" at Craigencaillie.
Before penetrating to that remote spot some
3 ms. [miles] further into the hills than where I was, I
made enquiry from some intelligent looking
shepherds and learned that "Bruce's Wa's" was
the name they gave to a park and that
there were no ancient remains about it.
The "pier stone" also on the O.S. [Ordnance Survey" is said to
be a natural "wonder".

Kells Par [Parish] Deils Dyke
The next place where the O.S. [Ordnance Survey] indicates the
existence of the Deils Dyke is to the SW [South West]
and NE. [North East] of Upper Craigenbay - across the
flow from an island in the Black Water of Dee above Craignell, Passed Upper Craigenbay
and over the W [West] shoulder of the Bennans beyond.
Below Upper Craigenbay there is a large en:
:closure surrounded by a wall. It has
three facets towards the W. [West] the centre one
of which lies NE [North East] and SW. [South West] and is built
on the site of this dyke. Using this portion
of wall as a pointer the direction of the
earthwork across the flow may be easily dis:
:covered, at first by an irregular trail of
stones, the base of a wall or rampart some
4' 6" broad with a slight trench on the SE [South East]
Occasionally the line of stone give place

[Continued on page 47]

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Bizzy- Moderator, Brenda Pollock